Monday, January 21, 2008

There's this place called the LIBRARY...

Folk Playground, originally uploaded by Sacha Digi.

We are broke. Broke, not poor. It's the mantra around the house lately. Mat leave wiped us out and before that it was nursing school. Now we have a boy. It's a recipe for broke, not poor.

But there's this place...a magical place...for those of us who are broke, not poor. It's full of books and music, and you can take them home and for three weeks pretend they are yours.

I've gone crazy at the library. Especially since M. told me we can check out CDs as well as books. I love our Renee and Jeremy, but we needed something different and being broke, not poor, it's not in the budget.

I checked out Elizabeth Mitchell and The Bottle Let Me Down and New Orleans Playground. I'm waiting for some Beatles lullabies. But the absolute BEST we've come across is Putumayo Kids Folk Playground. I love the ENTIRE thing and highly recommend it.


At 1/21/2008 9:35 PM, Blogger JS said...

Do you like them to have words? Our cousin sent us like 15 kids CDs that her hubby's company makes...or something like that. Anyway, I expected know, lyrics. These don't have them, but they're kinda fun. And Zane LOVES them...makes him go totally boneless when he's upset. I'm happy to copy and send them to you if you like.

At 1/22/2008 5:18 AM, Blogger Jude said...

I am jealous of your library. Now that we moved out of the city and into the woods, our library is sorely lacking. Enjoy your library!!

At 1/22/2008 6:47 AM, Blogger SC said...

Have you heard A Duck in NYC by Cathy Kaldor? It is in French and in English (if you speak French) and we got it at the library as well (and I agree, LOVE the library). I can also copy it and send if you'd like to hear it. We also love For the Kids and For the Kids Too!, kid songs by well known artists. Again, I can totally copy and send.

At 1/22/2008 9:12 AM, Blogger Candice said...

I love free times at the library. Ours is limited in CD selection but the boys LOVE books and the little group times like story hour. They are usually worth checking out if they have one in Finn's age group.

At 1/22/2008 9:47 AM, Blogger Kathleen said...

Don't know if your library would have this, but we totally totally love The Nields' All Together Singing in the Kitchen around here.

Thanks for your recommendations - will check out the PK folk playground!

At 1/22/2008 3:19 PM, Blogger Sacha said...

I love music and will take everyone up on their offers. I'll try to email tonight but if you want to email me, it's sacha at drizzle dot com.

At 1/25/2008 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend gave us Putumayo Asian Dreamland as a shower gift and it was like magic! It is still the one thing that will soothe him when he is sick or feeling bad. We can just put it on and he looks up and instantly calms down. It got us through several nasty ear infections.


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