Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Jay Sucksandblows

A quick fertility update. The cervical mucous was creamy yesterday. Okay, writing that even squicks ME out a little.

Now for the main topic, which is somewhat related to having a baby.

Let me establish that I hate Tucker Carlson. He is a conservative idiot who smells like ass. When PBS gave him a show I watched it ONE time and decided it shall never grace my television set again.

In steps Tivo. Which is set to record any program with gay content. So we ended up with Tucker Carlson Unfiltered to watch the other night. His guest was one of my all-time favorites from the religious right cast of wacky characters - Jay Sekulow.

Or as he shall be know from now on... Jay Sucksandblows.


He was a guest on the show to talk about same-sex marriage. Tucker started the show by making sure Jay Sucksandblows knew that Tucker was in complete agreement with his stance against same-sex marriage, but promised to play devil's advocate. In Tucker Carlson's world this means agreeing with his guest after every statement. Interesting use of the term "devil's advocate."

Sucksandblows made the usual lame, inane and unintelligent arguments against same-sex marriage. They consist of "it's always been one man one woman" and "think of the children...the babies...the poor innocent souls." These don't stand up because what Sucksandblows really wants to say is "We hate gay people, they should go back into the closet, could you make that a law?"

BUT the best part was yet to come. Why does Jay Sucksandblows really think we shouldn't be able to get married? Well, you see, there are a lot of assholes in this world. These assholes don't like homos and really don't like that the homos are having kids. So if one of these assholes ran into a cute, adorable and innocent five year old child of homos, they would simply HAVE to be mean to that child.

Does Mr. Sucksandblows think that perhaps....maybe....these assholes might want to reconsider their asshole-ish ways? Perhaps they might want to consider being nice to that sweet, innocent five year old?


He thinks the homos should just NOT have children because it's cruel to expose them to the assholes of the world. Let the assholes be assholes and shame on loving same sex couples who want to start a family.

Yes, this is a little hostile because people like Jay Sekulow PISS ME OFF! His entire goal is to remove any blame from the biggoted assholes of the world and place it squarely on the shoulders of the victims.

End of rant. We are off for a mini-vaca to the beach.


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