Monday, July 25, 2005

It's Official!

Ok, Sacha hasn't yet shared the news that I know you're dying to hear, so I have to jump in here. The NCLEX RN exam on Wednesday was BRUTAL and she wasn't sure exactly how she did afterwards, but.....she passed with flying colors and is now a Registered Nurse!!! Yay! Many years of work finally paid off. I'm so proud of her! She'll start her first RN position in mid-August. She's so excited.

So, that means we're still on track to finally start TTC in November. Good news indeed.


At 7/28/2005 10:05 AM, Blogger Danielle said...

congratulations!!! :)

At 7/28/2005 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job! That's wonderful! A huge relief, I'm sure.


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