Monday, August 27, 2007

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a TOOTH

Yes, it finally broke through the gums. There is one small, sharp little ridge in our son's mouth which he likes to chomp on our fingers with. It took lots of tylenol, teething tableets and approximately SEVEN weeks to finally appear.


At 8/27/2007 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoo hoo! that must feel like quite a relief. Just how many more to go?

At 8/27/2007 3:00 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

wow! still no teeth here...just lots of teething... :/

At 8/27/2007 5:36 PM, Blogger party b said...

welcome to the realm of the bitten... :-)

At 8/27/2007 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright! Watch out for that thing... ;)

At 8/28/2007 3:06 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

How exciting! Watch out for biting!

At 8/28/2007 8:05 PM, Blogger Audra said...

yay Finn!

At 8/29/2007 5:22 AM, Blogger Sacha said...

Trista - only what feels like a BILLION more to go! It is a relief except the second bottom tooth is working its way up and our poor boy is feeling it. Wah!


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