Friday, February 22, 2008


I've been thinking a lot about where we came from lately. I mean where M. and I were a year ago when I was uncomfortable and not working and freaking out because M. got laid off. Back when we still had all those romantic notions of parenthood and mommy-ness. Then the shock of labor and delivery and that tiny little boy who turned everything upside down and shook our world into pieces.

It seems really, really far away. At the time it felt like I would never, ever forget those feelings and experiences and now I just don't really remember that well. It's good because it's hard to be stuck in that state of shock. But it's bad because M. and I have both lost that little baby that we held all the time, the one I blearily fed in the middle of the night, the one that was pulled into this world with is eyes wide open and we just had no idea that meant trouble.

I want that time back. Maybe just a half hour or half day. A little time to have my baby again. Then I'll go back to my pretoddler who thinks sticking his fingers in my mouth is the funniest thing in the entire world and who destroys any order in our house on a daily basis. Because no matter how much I miss my baby, I love the little boy he's becoming.


At 2/23/2008 6:40 AM, Blogger JS said...

I'm glad you said this...while I don't want to rush these tender moments, I am looking forward to the times that Z interacts with us even more (like sticking his fingers in our mouths and tearing the house apart). But hearing you say this makes me treasure these moments even more, and I expect that I will also wish for more of this time. And one day, you might wish for THIS time back. If only we had more control over that thing called time...

At 2/23/2008 7:53 PM, Blogger sandra said...

this is why i love reading your blog - the honesty/ the way you give words to stuff i think about - my little one is 5 1/2 months old and i am starting to wonder where my tiny baby has gone... thank you for posting this.

At 2/25/2008 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My 3rd daughter is 16 months and I just gave away her crib.....
I was sad and happy -
With 2 older siblings, we are on the go so much (just got back from a 2 night camping trip) -
but I also miss those infant moments....
They go soooo fast -

I hope you keep a hard copy journal somewhere of all the minuscule events that occur -

moment by moment - it is amazing!

At 2/26/2008 7:19 AM, Blogger lullabies gobyebye said...

I love your blog for the way you express all of the feelings that I have in words that I could never put together.
I had those exact feelings when my first little one, grew into the age of interaction. It's something you miss so much, and you can't go back to those days when your baby needs you for everything. Of course that's why I had my second little one who at six months, still gives me the joy of breastfeeding and cuddling all night.


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