Saturday, August 20, 2005

Having cake and eating it...

M. is wound up about her mom's reaction to our NEWS. I'm not sure if it was a negative reaction and we glossed it over and made it sound better in our heads at the time, or it was neutral and we're making into something horrible as we discuss it over and over.

No matter, it wasn't the wonderful, positive reaction we deserve.

Whatever her process is in dealing with us becoming parents, we can't help her any more. We've made our decision and nothing will change it. It's time for her to go and talk to other parents who love their lesbian daughter. To other people who have grandchildren who are being parented by same-sex parents.

It's time to just love us.


At 9/18/2005 10:12 AM, Blogger Shelli said...

My dad and his wife were SO on board, adn thrilled, even.

My mother, on the other hand, well, suffice it to say, her e-mails about groups that can promise to change you back to being straight increased.

time, it works.

Three years into our desire to be parents, she's warming up to the idea....

Best of luck to you guys!


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