Thursday, December 15, 2005

Let the monitoring begin!

I think it's all coming together.

A friend I met on FF offered to loan us her fertility monitor. How cool is that? We're picking it up on Monday and will start using it next cycle.

Now, you may not know this, but OPKs are difficult for a nurse to use. POAS at a certain time of day, witholding liquids and peeing at certain times of the day is pretty hard to do when you're running around like crazy for 12 hours straight. So, Sacha's DElighted at the possibility of being able to use FMU to detect her surge. Since we're going to be using fresh sperm, our timing doesn't have to be as exact and the monitor should work fine...I hope! Ahh, a new aspect of TTC to obsess about.

Now if DtD would just tell us when he's going to the Dr. and fill out his second form, I'd feel great.


At 12/16/2005 7:24 AM, Blogger Calliope said...

I used the CBM for a couple of cycles & got so geeked out at watching the LH go from low to high to peak (& the little egg with a smile is very cute)


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