Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Good Day

There is nothing in this world better than a good day with a baby. We had one today.

Despite having some nasty gunk still lodged in my chest, we went to our weekly support group. It was our last day because, dear readers...we've graduated. Finn is 12 weeks and we're moving to the older babies group. M. and I are ready.

Finn was SO CUTE. He woke up from his nap and proceeded to talk, smile, laugh and play with M. almost the entire time. I can't describe the feeling you get when your baby stares at you adoringly then cracks a smile. I mean, WOW.

M. decided to try giving Finn his bottle at our group and he sucked it down. It was the first time he's taken a bottle in public and he did so well.

And it kept going like that all day. We went to this great baby shop called Birth and Beyond and hung out, tried on slings, looked at stuff. We stopped at the grocery store and picked up survivial supplies. Finn cried here and there, but never too long and soothed easily. Then we came home and played on his play mat, sang songs, and looked at books.

It was as good day.

Now he's asleep. Honestly, I can't imagine loving Finn more and I know that tomorrow I will. We are actually excited to go to bed each night because it means we get to wake up and see him


At 6/28/2007 1:36 PM, Blogger ajs4ever said...

I bet the good days are truly amazing!! You gals are such a sweet family!!



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