Monday, October 08, 2007


Finn and Mama in the Rain, originally uploaded by Sacha Digi.

I'm one of those people who never wear a coat. I can pretty much get through a rainy Seattle fall and winter with a ratty old sweatshirt. Now that I'm postpartum, I'm rarely even cold.

Which is why I took Finn out yesterday entirely underdressed. I felt like The Dad. You know, the guy who shows up with the baby dressed in shorts and mismatched socks when it's raining outside and the mom makes that "tsk" sound then tells her girlfriends how silly her partner is.

Dressing your baby sounds simple but I swear, it's not. Sweatshirt or no sweatshirt? Jacket? Long sleeves? Socks? Mittens? It's also complicated by car seats that can't take too many layers and carriers that add an extra layer of warmth.

Bottom line, we have to buy Finn a coat. And he can't spend the entire winter in short sleeves like I do. And I have to pay a little more attention when I dress him for going out.


At 10/08/2007 5:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Coming out of lurking to tell you what a cutie Finn is.... I love that new pic you have on this post!

At 10/08/2007 7:05 PM, Blogger EJW said...

I have the same problem. Four days last week he came home from daycare in different clothes than he arrived in because daycare thought he'd "be more comfortable" in something cooler or warmer.

Our Indian summer isn't helping, as all the current size clothes we have are for fall!

At 10/09/2007 3:55 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

I know what you mean. I never know what to put on Riley. The weather is crazy and changes through out the day so she's normally switching outfits and then I feel so warm lately (hormones?) that my gage for appropriate attire is messed.

I love that picture!


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