Sunday, December 02, 2007

Eight Months Today!

Bead Maze, originally uploaded by Sacha Digi.

For some reason Finn is stuck at six months in my head. I keep thinking to myself, "I can't believe he's six months old." I even told someone the other day that he's six months old. Maybe it's my denial that we're on the other side and closer to a year than a newborn. Toddlerhood is looming.

Our eigth month has flown. Crazy!

How is Finn?

Fab! Saying this will certainly cause a tumble into some sort of developmental nightmare, but he's actually easier now than he was even a couple months ago. He's coping so much better, with being stimulated and with being tired. He has an unending curiosity about everything around him and is incredibly observant. He just stared through everything with those big blues.

Developmental stuff...our crazy child...

  • cross crawls, pulls up on EVERYTHING and does a small amount of cruising.
  • hits his head about three or four times a day.
  • eats everything we offer him and is doing very well on finger foods.
  • is deeply determined to do whatever he has set his mind to and doesn't always pick the easiest route to his goal.
  • handles crowds well, often ignoring mommies as he makes his social rounds.
  • LOVES THE CATS. They don't love him.
  • is starting to get his pincer grasp, as evidenced by the small piece of plastic M. yanked from his mouth the other day that he somehow got out of the nursery garbage can.
  • kneels next to his toy box and pulls out his favorite toys one by one.
  • says "ah", "bah", "ah-bah" and "mamamama". We don't know what all that means.

How are mommies?

I'm starting to insert him into memories of events that happened way, way before he arrived. It's the slow erosion of my ability to remember our lives before Finn.

We're so, so tired but it's all good.


At 12/03/2007 4:06 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

Happy 8 months!!! Time does fly.

At 12/03/2007 5:12 AM, Blogger Shannon said...

Happy 8 months! Sounds like he's doing great!

At 12/03/2007 7:21 AM, Blogger Angele said...

Happy 8 months Finn!!!

At 12/04/2007 5:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had to pop on and say.... HAPPY 8 MONTHS MR. FINN!!! By the way, his eyes are killers!!! Ohhh such a cutie pie!!!


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