Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I think almost everyone has spent a little time doing retail. Personally I worked in the Men's Department, which was a pretty cush job because men tend to come in and do all their shopping all at once. I've figured out an even BETTER place if for some reason I ever decide to do retail again...children's shoes.

Children's shoes has to be the absolute best gig around. They cost as much as big person shoes and you have to buy a new pair EVERY THREE MONTHS. Bad for our pocket books but great for that sales person.

That was what M. and I were doing Monday afternoon - braving Nordies to find some shoes for our boy. Our adventure started when we spent about ten minutes looking very intently at the very expensive toddler boy shoe display while four erstwhile sales people stood at the desk a mere six feet away and gossiped about who knows what - their dating lives, their hair, who was found making out in the stock room - clearly everything but whether or not the two women and the cute little boy needed assistance. I then informed them that there were four of them and we needed help while M. tried unsuccessfully to hide behind a rack of overpriced baby sleepers.

If I'm going to spend a crapload of money on a very small amount of leather, I want help dammit.

Our boy is a size 5, BOTH feet - imagine that - and now has a couple pairs of uber cute little walking shoes, and mommy and mama are out only about the cost of ONE pair of adult shoes instead of two. Three more months and it should be time for the Nordies anniversary sale....and more shoes.


At 5/28/2008 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see some pics of these shoes! :)


At 5/28/2008 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had the same problem. I walked the ENTIRE mall and no one wanted to help me. Let's see - mom and stroller looking at kids shoes... HMMM. You would think they would be all over that.

Good luck!!

At 5/29/2008 11:09 AM, Blogger C&H said...

I sometimes have the same problem and I work for the company. I with JM... let's see those new shoes. : )



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