Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Stealth Boy

Finn is walking 90% of the time now and it's actually not hugely different from him crawling. He could get to pretty much everything in the house when he crawled so walking isn't too much of a shock.

Except for the noise.

Crawling is noisy. Hands and knees slapping across the floor. With my ears that can pick out lung sounds over heart sounds and hear a bed alarm down the hallway, I pretty much always knew where the boy was. Oh, living room. Now his room. Oops, heading to the bedroom...time for interference.

Now he moves like a ghost. Suddenly he's in the living room when I knew he was in his room just moments ago. It's strange to see our son's little head bobbing along as he toddles across the floor.

At the same time, M. and I are glad our boy is walking. Now he can go to the park and play on the equipment, or walk along side us and hold our hands. It's sweet.


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