Thursday, September 10, 2009


I'm still here.

When did my child become Two and a Half????

A few months ago Finn got really really sick. Six days straight of fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Our sweet kiddo was lethargic, his eyes rimmed in red, lying in bed and begging Yeah, coffee. Then he got better and when he emerged, he was Two and a Half. I don't mean he was really two and a half (that happens October 2nd), I mean he suddenly was super-oppositional, crazy emotional, raging against The Man, the machine and mama and mommy all at once, inconsolable when he didn't get his way and volatile.

I guess two isn't going to be entirely a piece of cake.

Like any singular moment in parenting, we stopped, took stock then readjusted our course. Okay, he's Two and a Half, and that's okay. It's more than okay, it's expected, it's developmental. But, still...where is my baby???

It's hard, this parenting thing. This letting go thing. And I tell you, he's still the most fabulous kiddo in the entire world, even when he's not.


Well, he's back. It's strange picking up after two years of not having him in our lives. Strange but still kind of okay. He and BF are not doing well. I don't know where that's going, but I think it's going the wrong direction. Long term relationships are hard, and they're especially hard when you spend two years apart.

Anyhoo, the BIG QUESTION remains. We need his sperm. Again.

Did I hem and haw, did I talk about dry wall, did I avoid and avoid and avoid? Nope. I've grown up. I put it out there - we want a sibling for Finn. And you know what: game on. Soon, maybe too soon, we're back on the TTC rollercoaster that I HATE so much.


It'll be worth it. It was the first time. I don't care if it took a million tries (okay, maybe I do,) our kiddo was so worth it.


At 9/12/2009 7:00 AM, Blogger ajs4ever said...

Good to see you back! I missed getting updates! I hope your TTC ride is a quick one!

At 9/13/2009 11:38 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

2.5 is tough sometimes. Having a baby at the same time is doubly tough. Believe me when I say that 2.5 is so nice compared to 6 months when they want sooo many new things but can't move or our baby boy weighs so much (at least 20 lbs) so I'm EXHUASTED. :P

That said, my 2.5 year old just poured hot chocolate all over the floor for no reason.

Good luck with TTC!!! It is awesome having 2, even if it has its rough moments. :P

At 9/13/2009 4:32 PM, Blogger JustAnotherJenny said...

Woot woot! Glad to hear you're back on the train (even if you hate it).

Megan and I are hanging out on the waiting 3+ mos ttc thread together.

I love your blog... but I hate that for some reason I cannot add it to my blogger dashboard. What gives? Any idea?

At 9/13/2009 6:55 PM, Blogger Dana said...

That's the thing about the TTC rollercoaster. Wouldn't it be great if you could just say "nah, not worth it?" when we've learned it so very much is? Our house has the 22month old wails.

good luck! glad you're online again.

At 9/15/2009 6:11 AM, Anonymous April said...

Just gotta say good luck on ttc #2 and I MISSED YOUR UPDATES!!!

At 10/08/2009 6:47 PM, Blogger ohchicken said...

i echo what jenny said. i can't add you to google reader, either. which is why i always read you a month late.

but i always think of you lovely people, you. and i'm wondering how the potty learning is going?

At 10/10/2009 1:03 PM, Blogger Carrie Jo said...

I'm curious how the potty learning is going as well. Also want to wish you luck on your quest to ttc #2.

At 11/04/2009 6:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yoo hoo..... it's been almost 2 months, time for an update!!! :o))

MISS YOU!!!!!!

At 11/04/2009 7:49 AM, Blogger Sacha said...

I have to figure out things with the blog and how to get it onto readers. I may move to Wordpress but I need time to figure that out. Hang in there.


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