Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Progesteroni

Ah, I finally managed to sleep in. M. and I are heading to a Woo Woo health fair then down to see my pops who is without my mum as she travels back to her college reunion. In between we will stop and take care of the Fabu Miss Hiss who we are cat sitting.


Since Calliope is contimplating the progesterone (and I love Calliope), I'm going to tell ALL about my lovely experience. I'm taking a 200 mg vaginal suppository.

The fun starts with the melting of the suppository. I have to take the suppository early in the evening then lay around to let it melt. If I take it later, it will dissolve in the middle of the night and drip out, leaving me with the famed cocoa butter thighs (soft, supple, buttery). If that happens, it wakes me up in the middle of the night and disturbs my sleep. I have to wear undies and a sanitary napkin to bed (yes kids, I typically sleep nakie) to contend with the leakage. Yay!

The side effects are fun too. I'm tired all the time. I mean dog gone yawning through work zonk out on the couch tired. I yawn my way through conversations, look at my friends through heavy lidded eyes and spend most of my time leaning against M. because I just can't support myself. Then come the abdominal cramps, lovely little cramps that I get to wake up to every morning, that wax and wane throughout the day.

Good lord, it makes it sound like I'm preggers. But I'm not necessarily, so I get to feel like I'm preggers but still may not be.

And that's the story of the progesteroni.


At 6/03/2006 12:01 PM, Blogger Krista said...

I will only say this once since it may (likely) falls into the too much information category. But I have found that the progestoroni suppositories stay in place much better, with much less leakage when used rectally. My clinic makes you use them rectally until transfer and then it's your option to switch but like I say.

At 6/05/2006 9:04 AM, Blogger Calliope said...

thanks for the PSA!
I'm so screwed.


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