Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Q&A Redux Part VIII

From Anonymous...

Are you concerned that your weight might make TTC more difficult?

Firstly, I don't find this question rude at all. The reality is that I'm fat and that brings up some specific health concerns. I don't mind addressing them.

As for TTC, there are plenty of fat people who get pregnant and have successful pregnancies. When I first told my mother that we were going to start trying to get pregnant, she told me she was worried I wouldn't be able to carry a child because of my weight. Very far from the truth.

That said, YES, losing weight would help. It's not going to MAKE me pregnant, and I'm not getting BFN's over and over because of my weight, but it would HELP. Which is why I work every day to eat healthy and be active.

There is so much guilt put onto the overweight in this society, and it's increasing with the concept of fat as an epidemic. I hope that every woman, and especially every woman who is TTCing or pregnant, can come to terms with her body, because the only way we can truly love another human being is to start by truly loving ourselves. Seriously. I see so many issues between children and parents that come from the parents' inability to love themselves and the subsequent punishment of their child for their own perceived short-comings.

My body may not be perfect but I'm going to love her anyway. That's as important as eating healthy and exercising regularly.


At 7/11/2006 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to trackback to this post, but failed. I responded on my own blog because I started blathering on and on and it was to long for your comments area.


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