Friday, October 27, 2006

Assembling Team Baby

Well, M. has started working full time for just a bit. Good for the wallet. Bad for actually seeing her. Wah. I'm entertaining myself by watching all the seasons of 24 I missed. That would be any season after season 1. Jack Bauer KICKS ASS! And thensome. He's kind but ruthless. And he's going to look you in the eye and tell you that YOU can stop a bomb or war. Yes, only YOU. And you. And you over there. I love this show.

We're also working on assembling Team Baby. It's quite a project. We have our midwife. We are currently interviewing doulas. I just asked my accupuncturist if she'd be willing to provide labor support and she gave me a somewhat teary 'yes'. We've contacted Lawyer Lisa to start the adoption proceedings.

It took a village to make this baby. It's going to take another village to get it out.

I feel like maybe I'm starting to crawl out of the first trimester hole. That means I haven't been nauseated for an entire day for almost 72 hours. The hungries are setting in. I eat, a couple hours later I eat again. Then again.

Haven't popped yet but I'm still getting those wee flutters in my abdomen. And I've decided that perhaps the baby is trying to crawl through my belly button. At least that's what all that pressure down there feels like.

Seventeen weeks yesterday and three more until we find out the sex.


M. is almost home and I'm glad to have her back for even a few hours. I'm becoming a lonely housewife. All for you, my wee one, all for you.


At 10/28/2006 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for 17 weeks! And I'm glad you are starting to feel better! I'm excited for your ultrasound! Oh, here via FF, I'm Graceandmommy (Amanda) from the July Boards... Congrats!

At 10/30/2006 8:48 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

Yay for a new post! Was wondering what was going on with you two. Missed reading your blog. :)

Wow, 17 weeks already? Crazy, isn't it?

So cool that you're feeling the baby move now. :)


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