Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Activism of Motherhood

It's kind of fun being pregnant sometimes. It gives you an automatic conversation topic with any woman who is either pregnant or has given birth. It's a universal experience that cuts across all boundaries. It's the great equalizer.

Which is why I think M.'s sister has said not a single word since we told her.

As I've blogged in the past, M.'s sis holds herself as superior to us simply because she is heterosexual (the penis factor). Well, we finally have the one thing she has always held as her own: we have invaded the private territory of the heterosexual; we have taken ownership the inherent right of sperm to meet egg that is assumed with heterosexuality.

We have motherhood.

The greatest enemy of our enemies is inclusion and acceptance. It is the complacency of society about having homos at the PTA and in the pews, working in the cubical next to them and talking about their partners openly, that truly frightens those who believe that THEY are superior and that WE are inherently inferior.

Babies bring inclusion and acceptance. Parenthood is universal. Which is why we will win our fight for inclusion through our families and why THEY will constantly try to tear down our right to have one.

Sometimes it's not bad to be part of The Club. If you can grit your teeth through all the stroller talk and Oprah adoration, it's yet another quiet form of activism.


At 10/10/2006 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are honestly an exceptional writer. I thoroughly enjoy your blog and identify so clearly with your well articulated thoughts. I hope that there is a book in your future.

At 10/11/2006 11:37 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

Great post. :)

At 10/12/2006 4:23 AM, Blogger mintyfaglady said...

Your post makes for interesting reading and has really helped me think about some similar, albeit unformed, thoughts.

The fighter in me is quietly relishing taking on some of this stuff when our turn comes around. It might not be banner waving, but the up close nature of it makes, I think, for a very powerful opportunity for change.

I applaud you.

At 10/13/2006 6:51 AM, Blogger Wendy and Karen said...

Wonderful post. I agree completely.

At 10/16/2006 7:54 AM, Blogger Trista said...

ok, women, when you go this long without posting a body starts to get worried...

At 10/16/2006 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh hemmm...... is anyone there?? On vacation again? Camping? Updates please!!!!!

At 10/17/2006 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are you!?!?!?


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