Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sudden Change in Plans

M. has been laid off.

At first I just couldn't breathe when she told me. After all, we're going to be having a fucking BABY and her org decides to lay her off. It's terrible.

Then again it's not so terrible.

She has vacation time. She's negotiating getting some sort of severence package. She'll apply for unemployment. We have a smidge in savings. We'll defer her student loans. We'll put our gym membership on hold. Acupuncture can go on sliding scale. She'll be home with our boy for a while, which is the best part. And we can spend lots of time together and be able to enjoy our last month and a half together.

In a strange way, we've been given the gift of time. It may mean that we have to put LB in daycare when we'd planned to just juggle our schedules, but that remains to be seen. M. is going to look into doing some consulting and working from home. She's very good at what she does so I know she'll find a job. The biggest threat is she may end up making less money or having to work more hours.

I just have to let my worries go. Sometimes I have to remember to take a deep breath and remember that little happens without reason.


At 2/20/2007 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wow. Oh wow.

Synchronicity. I was laid off from my non-profit job when Kristin was pregnant. Of course our situation was much more precarious than yours is.

You guys are going to be fine. It is scary, though. Changes in plans are always scary.

At 2/20/2007 3:33 PM, Blogger tifferny said...

when i read the title i thought to myself..."Fu-u-u-u-uck" with a capital F.

However, in reading your post it is quite evident that you are maintaining an AMAZINGLY POSITIVE attitude about all of this. Sure, the future is not as certain, but this has really afforded you some time together as a family.

I can't say if this happened to me that I would be half as optimistic. Choosing to look at a glass half full is admittedly not one of my strengths...as I often blog about on my site. lol

I am truly in awe.

At 2/20/2007 4:01 PM, Blogger notacrayon said...

Keep up the positive attitude. That's how I'm staying sane with my layoff.

At 2/20/2007 6:20 PM, Blogger Momai said...

Gooodness! Well, I think you're looking at it exactly the right way. This can be the perfect opportunity to find the arrangement that will work best for the three of you. I'm sure you'll have some random stress moments over it (how could you not?) but be sure to enjoy it, too. Things will work themselves out for you over time. And in the meantime, what better time to have together??? I say, congratulations!

At 2/20/2007 6:34 PM, Blogger Li Li said...

Just wanted to delurk and say "DAMN"!!! Life works in crazy ass ways!! I admire the way you are handeling it!!

At 2/20/2007 10:18 PM, Blogger Sacha said...

Everyone is so great.

Yes, M. and I are working hard to take a balanced approach to this latest change, but there's a huge part of me that wants to stuff my face with icecream sandwiches drenched in hot fudge sauce!

Rational Sacha and Icecream Sandwich Sacha are locked in an epic battle.

Tomorrow will be another day.

At 2/20/2007 10:36 PM, Blogger tifferny said...

Why be sensible when you can eat an ice cream sandwich? GO FOR IT, GIRL! LB will enjoy it too. :)

At 2/20/2007 11:19 PM, Blogger Tamsin said...

Lordy! That must have been one helluva shock, and utterly panic-making at first. I'm so glad that it gives you both/all time though; it may be that in the long run it's easier to find something that works out better all round for future family life. But the uncertainty does add extra stress right when you really don't need it. Stay strong!

And eat the IceCream Sandwich! (I can't see that it's going to do you any actual harm, and when will you have a better excuse? If you really need to justify it at all.)

At 2/21/2007 12:31 AM, Blogger Mermaidgrrrl said...

OMFG - can they do that? Just fire her that way? That's just unreal. What dreadful timing! Well, at least you'll both be at home with baby for a while and all the other benefits you listed. I so hope your BP is going OK with all this stuff going on girl.

At 2/21/2007 3:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you are putting a positive spin on it. Hang in there. S, will you take less time off? What's the plan?


At 2/21/2007 5:57 AM, Blogger mintyfaglady said...

God! Bet that was a shock.
I'm impressed with your zen response! Not sure I'd have remained so calm and upbeat! Good for you and great that you'll both have more time with the boy once he arrives, though.

At 2/21/2007 6:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes, when we least expect it, the universe and our "source" bring to us that which we need most -- without our consent or approval, then miraculously, we find that it was just what we needed at the time.... there are no coincidences in the world... EVERYTHING happens for a reason. And the reason is usually for our well-being -- though it takes time for us to see that. Bless you on your journey -- Namaste.

At 2/21/2007 7:36 AM, Blogger Melody said...

Ouch. Bastards.

If/when I ever get pregnant, we'll be in a similar boat. I'm the main breadwinner. Vanessa writes books, but that doesn't really pay the bills. She is still working on getting her consulting business off the ground. Thank goodness for decent insurance benefits. We've been a mostly one income household for about two years now. We live simply-- cook at home a lot, don't live in an expensive neighborhood, find ways to conserve energy, do a lot of thrift store shopping, etc. It isn't easy, but it can be done. You've got a great attitude about it, and that will get you through.


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