Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Who is this mechanical baby character?

We officially started Finn on the bottle today. It went really, really well.

I pumped out some milk last night...only got one ounce...then again this morning and got another 3.5. We had some frozen left over from when I was (moderately) engorged so M. used that this morning for the feed. Finn wasn't 100% excited about the bottle, but he latched onto it and took in THREE OUNCES. Whoo hooooooot!

It's funny because M. and I were pretty chill about the whole introducing a bottle experience. We just figured we'd introduce it, he'd take it and that would be that. Then we went to our new moms drop-in group and found out that it's not always as easy as we seem to have it, and that getting him to take three ounces is VERY UNUSUAL.

Lucky for us, our little guy is a big time sucker...meaning that he'll try to latch onto pretty much anything, including my dad and M.'s hand. It's really funny because he consistently manages to new-born crawl himself to the exact right position on M.'s boob and proceed to attempt to latch through her shirt. He's 100% a boob boy.

I pumped this morning instead of his usual feed and Finn sat in the vibro-chair, staring over at the mechanical baby that was draining my breasts with some suspicion. He doesn't like anything that gets in the way of the milk.

Oh, and he's gained almost a pound in a week. Our little boy is rapidly becoming not so little.


At 4/24/2007 6:38 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

So happy to hear that it's all going so well! 3.5 ounces is great! Way to go!!! :)

At 4/24/2007 8:46 PM, Blogger tifferny said...

wow that IS really great for a first timer. go finn! :)

At 4/28/2007 3:19 PM, Blogger Mermaidgrrrl said...

Don't you just love those totally suspicious looks they give you? It's making me laugh my arse off!


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