Monday, June 04, 2007

Random Stuff

Just some thoughts I've been having. Random isn't really the truth. It's all about the little man and his impact on our lives.

Our amazing baby. Finn has been changing so much. He's starting to do this cute little whimper thing at night when he's hungry and he starts looking for the boob. It's funny because M. sleeps with him and he's not going to find what he's looking for there. I've also noticed that when he's hungry he'll cry until I take him toward the feeding station then he quiets down. He knows I'm the boob. Then as I'm lowering him onto the breastfeeding pillow, he starts to open his mouth and get ready to latch. He's saying "that's the good stuff, mommy!"

Yoga balls are good. I mean really good. We actually have for the living room and one for the nursery. And I just bought a massive pump to make our lives easier...and because I broke our little one. I don't know how people had babies without yoga balls.

Breast feeding. Okay, I admit it. I'm actually starting to really enjoy breast feeding. It was so hard at first but as Finn's demands are lessening, I'm finding myself liking it. I'm glad it's becoming more enjoyable. There are still times when I just don't want to have to be the boob, but most of the time, it's alright. I'm finding myself thinking toward the future when he won't want to bf anymore with a little sadness.

Do I talk about something besides Finn? No. Not really. I assume this is part of taking care of such a vulnerable little life. You're wired to be obsessed. I know I've become intensely boring but I have a hard time caring. I hope my friends will stick around long enough for M. and I to pull out of about a year.

I love meeting people. This is a strange development because I tend to be very inwardly focused and antisocial. People make me tired. Now I just love to meet other parents and other babies.

The bitch factor. For some reason, parenthood is making me mellow. Or maybe it's the Zoloft. Anyway, I am so much less of a bitch than when I was pregnant. People aren't actually annoying me as much as usual (see above...I actually LOVE MEETING PEOPLE now...strange). The world has become all hearts and flowers...I've become soft, and the worst part is that I just don't care.

Anyway, Finn is asleep and I'm going to try to accomplish doing one or two chores. Silly mommy, thinking she can actually get something done.


At 6/04/2007 7:46 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

That's one thing I don't mind about not breast feeding--being The Boob. :P

Glad things are going well.

It's hard not to talk about the baby as that's our lives right now. When they're little, you're really consumed by all things baby since you spend most of your time looking after the baby. It does get a little better but I'm still a dorky mom who wants to post a million things about my precious baby. If people are bored, meh, I don't care. I think my baby is interesting. LOL

At 6/05/2007 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know I was just looking at your slide show and realize how much Finn looks like M. It's funny how things work out isn't it? I know my little Sofia has light eyes like my partner and has her toes and feet, how that is possible I don't know. But I often say that Sofia may not be biologically my partners, she was made by my partner and I and therefore the love takes on the genes. Also Sofia is long and the donor and myself are not. Sorry just a side note :)

At 6/05/2007 8:49 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

On the bitchy note...I remember when I went back to work after Lauren was born. My friend said to me, "what happened? You're being nice...." Lol

And after 4 years I'm still posting about my kids....

At 6/05/2007 10:55 AM, Blogger A Day In The Life said...

Hello my partner jay and I are also using a known donor I have a few questions if you dont mind please email me at


At 6/11/2007 10:29 AM, Blogger Dana said...

What does the yoga ball do? I'm 19 weeks but may go early due to fetal distress, so I'm trying to prepare.

Speaking of which, do you have a doula or doula organization you can recommend in Seattle? You're the only person I "know" that used a doula during the birth. Would you email me if you have a recommendation? (I'm not sure if a reply sends to my email directly.) drumkep at cs dot com.


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