Saturday, June 02, 2007

Blogging for GLBT Families

I'm always a little late on stuff like this.

Right now it feels easy to be moms. Finn needs to be fed and diapered and held when he cries. My heart breaks thinking about any moment that he may not know that we are there for him. It will be harder because he'll grow and start pushing at us, testing us, deciding what the world means to him. But right now he's a baby and babies are easy to just love and love and love.

Sometimes it's hard being two women. When there are two moms, "what mama wants, mama gets" becomes a much more complicated concept. The motherhood that straight women get all to themselves becomes a delicate balance.

Sometimes being two moms is the best thing in the entire world. I have the best co-conspiriator in parenting a person could ask for, someone who really gets me, and out of that comes a true sense of unity.

Being a GLBT family has mostly been easy. We're lucky to live in Seattle. We're lucky to be surrounded by people who GET that Finn has two moms. Both M. and I were anticipating all kinds of insensitive questions. It hasn't happened. At least not yet. I know it will happen because it's inevitable, but I'm enjoying the pure bliss of it all right now.

We go about our lives as a family.

It's awesome.


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