Thursday, May 31, 2007

DtD Meets Finn

DtD came over last night and met Finn.

It was funny. The first thing he said was "have you figured out who he looks like?" I've partly been expecting DtD to say that Finn is a carbon copy of him because I just can't see ME in the baby. I guess he doesn't look like either of us, which furthers my theory that that beautiful baby couldn't possibly have come out of ME...there must have been a switch in the OR.

Everything went fine. M. and I were nervous before he came over. We've been anxious for him to meet Finn but we also didn't know what to expect. We hung out, DtD held Finn and did really well with Mr. Fussy Pants. We talked about what DtD was like as a baby - he's going to scan in some pics of him as a baby so we can see what he looked like. Finn was really sweet with him and actually did his little tired nuzzle while he was holding him. It was all pretty normal feeling.

Using a known donor has been nerve wracking at times, but we just couldn't have picked a better guy. He always comes through and M. and I are so grateful.


At 5/31/2007 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm delurking here. I'm glad that your visit with DtD went well.

The actual reason I'm commenting though is to say that I actually see you in Finn. Obviously I don't know what the donor looks like, but since he was born I've always thought he (at the very least) came from you.

For what it's worth. (which may be nothing)

At 5/31/2007 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sacha,

Just have to comment...of COURSE Finn came from you! You are beautiful, and you always have been!

At 5/31/2007 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

soooo glad that things went well & were even sort of kinda mellow.

& I echo what Traci said- you are stunning inside & out so shut up about that stuff.
You & M are both amazing ergo you will have an amazing kid.

At 5/31/2007 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have been lurking here for a while now!

Just wanted to say that we commend you for making the decision to involve DtD. We could never do it ourselves; for some insecurity and some selfish reasons we used an anon donor for our piggywig and will again for #2... And the looks thing, it gets better with age (of the bubs that is!) As the non bio mum I not get comments that piggywig has my features!!!!

At 5/31/2007 7:27 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

Yay! Glad things went well.

And I wanted to echo seeing you in Finn. I think he totally looks like you.

For what it's worth, he may grow up and look like both of you. I am not biologically related to my dad but I have been told that I look like him by various people. :P


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