Sunday, June 17, 2007

Roll that Beautiful Boy Footage

Finn rolled over!

I'm not kidding. Grandma J. was over and said to put him on his tummy. After protesting a bit because Finn tends to hate tummy time, M. got out the play mat and put him down on his stomach. He lifted his little head and looked around a few times, then rocked back and forth and FLIP. He was on his back.

Now he's exhausted. Imagine if we all were exhausted just by rolling over. We'd never get anything done. We're SO PROUD of our boy!



At 6/17/2007 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Finn! Sawyer Just turned 4 months old and still hasnt rolled :(

At 6/18/2007 9:40 AM, Blogger shelly said...


I found your blog when I was a few months pregnant and we were due around the same time. My son Noah ended up being born a few days before Finn, on 3/28. It's funny to read that you guys are going through a lot of the same things we are with Noah. Congrats on the rolling over-it's so exciting when they do something new, isn't it? I was wondering if you found anything helpful with tummy time, since Noah really, really hates it as well and you mentioned Finn tends to. Is there anything that works? Thanks!

At 6/18/2007 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi,Congrats to Finn on the rolling!!
Baby massage helps as they seem to enjoy having their backs stroked etc. Also puting them on their fronts on your knee so they feel safe being near you. Mirrors positioned in front/side are good too so they can see themselves when they look up or toys dangling above. It's really good developmentally to be on their tummies each day even if only for a little time. It helps strengthen muscles and helps towards sitting, crawling etc...

At 6/18/2007 3:53 PM, Blogger ajs4ever said...

Great job Finn! The little guy is really growing- what a cutie!


At 6/18/2007 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy crap, I want to see it on video!! Go Finn!

At 6/19/2007 8:11 AM, Blogger Holly said...

Wow! Andrew is over 4 months and he's not close to rolling over.
And he HATES tummy time as well!


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