Sunday, June 10, 2007


Well, I've had my first experience with being asked to stop nursing in public.

We were in Brookstone because we finally broke down and decided to buy a sound machine. Not so Finn can fall asleep, but to block out Sir Grunts-a-lot in the middle of the night. Finn starts to fuss and M. hands him to me, suggesting that he might be hungry. I get out my gear (Hooter Hider, nursing pillow) sit down in one of their massage chairs and proceed to try to latch Finn on.

He doesn't latch (important part of the story) so I pull my shirt down and put his pacifier in his mouth. Then I put the Hooter Hider over him to destim and we sit there, staring at each other as he soothes himself toward sleep.

Suddenly there is a very manicured little gay boy standing in front of me. Okay. Turns out he's the assistant manager. He asks me if I wouldn't mind going into the back room to nurse Finn. I told him that #1. he wasn't nursing, we are just cuddling because he's tired and #2. NO, I won't go into their back room.

He tells me that other people may be uncomfortable with my nursing my son. I informed him that I was not nursing, that I was being quite discreet and if others have an issue with me nursing or my boob or whatever, that's something THEY have to deal's not my problem.

M. was hovering behind me about to leap on Mr. Assistant Manager and strangle him but decided that I was holding my own quite well.

We then bought our sound machine and there was a problem with the transaction. Mr. Assistant Manager had to come help resolve the problem. I greeted him quite cheerfully. He wouldn't look me in the eye.

And that was my first issue with Nursing In Public. Or NOT nursing in public, as the case may be.


At 6/10/2007 6:23 PM, Blogger Jen said...

How effing stupid. Moms nurse in my store all the time. Granted in is a kids clothing store but who the heck cares. Sounds like Mr Assistant Manager was the one who was uncomfortable.

At 6/10/2007 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You didn't back down. (Plus you weren't nursing.) Good for you. I'm sure it won't be the last time. But let's hope it was.

At 6/11/2007 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just makes me sooooo freakin mad. I'm nursing my 2 month old everywhere and what makes me *sometimes* hesitant is what you just encountered.

We are sustaining a human life for God's sake!!!! We are doing what is absolutely PERFECT for our child. I can't even believe it. And to top it off you weren't even feeding in the first place.

MAYBE just maybe this really shows HOW it was HIS problem in the first place. HE is shallow and uneduated and needs to take it out on the very person that he should honor and appreciate.

HE HAD NO right to make you feel ou of place.

A nursing mother should be able to feed her baby ANYWHERE in the world.

And you actually purchased something from this company!!? Please oh please take it back. And contact the BBB. I will personally never shop there if you reveal the name.

And you, my influnce in strength, I encourage you to take this to another level. TV, Newspaper, media of all shapes and forms.

I'm just outraged reading this... but I REALLY REALLY appreciate your sharing. You will be receiving lots of comments...

And lastly, JUST IN CASE this ever happens to me... now that you've been through this... tell me exactly what to say!? I need to practice. Need to build up strength to feed my baby. my oh my... what really is this world coming to?

Love and thanks,

At 6/11/2007 4:21 AM, Blogger JS said...

Forgive me for not being "up" on the laws in every state...but I know here in FL there was a lady that was asked to leave a restaurant because she was nursing at the dinner table. I'll spare you the details, but suffice to say that she was very upset, didn't know her rights, etc. It became a pretty big deal...the point of telling you this story is that it is AGAINST the law to ask her to stop and it is violation of her rights to be asked to leave ANYWHERE where she is nursing. I'm proud of you for not backing down...I'm sorry you had to go through's very unfortunate that this even happens, but even worse that it happens everywhere. However, I must admit that this makes me even more anxious and willing to BF in public. I hope someone says something to me...I'll be the last person they try that with.

At 6/12/2007 8:45 AM, Blogger mishmish said...

There was just a story about this on my local NPR because of a bill pending in Mass. legislature. Nearly all states (47) have enacted legislation related to breastfeeding. 38 states have laws with language specifically allowing women to breastfeed in any public or private location. 21 states exempt breastfeeding from public indecency laws (including Washington).

The legal summary for each state is here:

At 6/12/2007 3:19 PM, Blogger Mo said...

It sounds like you handled that really well, and I'm glad that Mr. Assistant Manager felt uncomfortable when you did that later transaction. He SHOULD have felt awkward because he messed up. I wonder if he was just making his own call or if there is some company policy he was trying to follow.

At 6/13/2007 9:20 AM, Blogger Jen said...

way to go, standing your ground. i can't wait to look at someone and let them know that i'm LEGALLY allowed to nurse anywhere i want. thanks for the link, tiffany!


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