Monday, June 11, 2007

M. and I were talking tonight about how we can never remember when things change with Finn. It's because they change so fast.

Last week we had Meltdown Boy on our hands. Every night around 6 pm he would start crying inconsolably, we would have to swaddle and bounce him on the ball until he crashed. Every. Night. And he would not nap in his crib. Nope. Not gonna do it.

Fast forward a week.

As I write, Finn is IN HIS CRIB. He's not just IN HIS CRIB, he is AWAKE, sucking on passey and quietly watching his mobile as the sound machine sends the sound of waves crashing on the beach through the room. For the third night in a row M. and I are being adults in the kitchen. I am going to MAKE COOKIES.

The first time he did this we were in shock. We didn't know what to do with ourselves. We just stared at each other and waited for the loud wail from the nursery. At the same time, it's probably not a good idea to get too used to this. After all, Meltdown Boy will probably be back shortly.


At 6/12/2007 5:27 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

Yay! They do changes so quickly. Perhaps you are past the fussy witching hour. Now we only have really fussy Riley if she's overtired. It is so nice to have grownup time!!

Cute pic (in the previous post). He just gets cuter everyday.

At 6/12/2007 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best peice of advice we were ever given was to allow our daughter to settle herself to sleep. Even if she fell asleep on us we were to shuggle her a little to wake her a little before laying her down in the cot.This then allows them to re-settle quickly as they are really asleep but reinforces you don't need help to get to sleep. We did have to leave her to cry a little but very soon she got the hang of settling herself. This is much easier on you - no rocking, bouncing etc and she has slept really well since and she is two now.
The advice was from a scbu nurse (i think that's nicu over with you!).
It is a little scary leaving them to cry a little but they soon learn how to settle without any fuss.
It is important for you to feel like you get some control back and also for them to spend a little time on their own. It's so cute listening to them play and then drift off to sleep.
Hope the cookies were good!!


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