Monday, May 05, 2008

A Certain Sense of Order

Finn has this amazing sense of order. This amuses me because I personally have a great skill for existing in chaos. Mess does not phase me. Finn is different, so maybe we are all born with an inate sense of order and it's slowly drained out of us by the chaos of our environment.

Things happen in certain ways. Blocks fit into containers which are covered with lids. Night lights go back the right way, flat side down. Toilet paper in the potty. Bath toys in the bath. Dogs go back into the dog house, first green, then blue, then pink, then green again. Dishes get put away. Water goes in a cup.

How will Finn feel when he realizes that his mommy does not share his sense of order? That I can peer through piles, rummage through drawers and find what I want in second? That stacks of paper do not daunt me? That order is not my priority?

We have children only to be judged by them.

One of my funniest childhood memories was when my parents forgot to pick me up from an out of town track meet. Being resourceful and capable of existing in chaos, I simply walked the several miles home in the dark to my family who had not even realized that I was missing. It was funny, but not really. I won't do that to Finn and that's good because I'm not sure my child will be as okay with the chaos as I was.

I love his sense of order. And because I love him I will work to respect it even if it doesn't jive with my own personality. Luckily it does jive with M., yet another characteristic Finn gets from his mama!


At 5/05/2008 10:32 AM, Blogger Shannon said...

I think the same thing about Erik. He notices if something is out of place and he wants it put back where it belongs. Like you, I can exist in chaos and it doesn't bother me, so it will be weird to have a wife AND a kid who are both neat and tidy and like things to be in order.

At 5/05/2008 1:53 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

Riley is in the same faze of order right now. It goes away. We are told to enjoy it while it lasts.

At 5/05/2008 5:04 PM, Blogger Sacha said...

hahahaha!!! I will enjoy it :)

At 5/06/2008 2:07 PM, Blogger Ali said...

Hey there, I just found your blog and love it. My partner and I just had our first baby in March...his name is Phin! It's great to know there are other families out there like ours. I relate to so much of what you write about, it's almost as if I am writing it! Yay to the Finn/Phins of the world!

At 5/08/2008 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we have the opposite situation! I put Mira's stacking cups all together and she must immediately take them all apart again. I think she thrives on messes and chaos. ;)

At 5/13/2008 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your last comment really struck a chord with me. it is really awesome and amazing that you will get to see which qualities really are inherited and which are environmental. obviously, it won't be exact b/c DtD's famiy has passed on some stuff, but i just think it is really cool that you'll get to see the real story behind some of the qualities people talk about!


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