Saturday, September 06, 2008


Flyaway Toddler Hair, originally uploaded by Sacha Digi.

Hair is of great debate in our household. For the longest time the subject was when Finn was going to get any - at least that's what we heard from my parents all of the time. I always thought he had enough, it's just fine.

Now the discussion centers around The Haircut. M. and I are a bit ambivalent when it comes to cutting Finn's hair. Some days we think we'll do it, other days we're determined to let it grow to his shoulders, damn it! Our parents regularly ask exactly WHEN we're going to cut his hair.

So we've come up with a lot of arbitrary milestones. We'll cut it after we see if he has curls. No, we'll cut it when it's long enough to get a lock for his baby book. No, we'll cut it before he has his 18 month pictures taken. NO, we'll let it grow to his shoulders, damn it!

It's not like I think it really looks that good. I think we're just both annoyed that there's all this pressure to cut his hair because he's a boy...okay, and it's a bit scruffy looking...but if he were a girl he would just be in that so-ugly-it's-adorable growing out stage.

I figure we'll probably cut it when we just can't stand it anymore, or it will keep growing and we'll like his hair a little long and leave it that way. After all, we're his parents and until he can protest, it's our call. HA!


At 9/06/2008 3:54 PM, Blogger JS said...

I say you do what YOU think looks good. Don't worry about doing what your parents want - they had their say when they had you. :) Now YOU are the parent, and YOU make the decisions. And whether he's a boy or a girl sporting a long or short cut, you still go with what you think looks best. If you had a girl, would you let it grow because she's a girl? Would you fear that you were genderizing her or conforming? Or would you cut it short simply to make a statement? The same goes for a boy...cutting it short doesn't have to mean you are conforming to society's ideal for a boy or that you're genderizing him.
We have this same discussion and, as much as I wanted to let Z's hair grow, I think he will look better with shorter hair. Not because "he's a boy and he should have short hair" but simply because I feel that it will look better on HIM. My wife, however, wants it long. So, we're letting it get long just to see what it looks like, and then we'll make a decision. Also a concern is whether or not it will affect his vision. If it wants to hang in his eyes, I'll cut it myself.
Don't be concerned with what others think, whether you let it grow or you cut it. You will know in your heart why you have made the decision you end up making, and if someone has a problem with it to the point that they say something, you take that opportunity to explain. Otherwise, you owe no one an explanation.
I like his little flyaway hairs...but I can also see him sporting a short style. He's gorgeous enough to have either. :)

At 9/06/2008 3:55 PM, Blogger JS said...

P.S. I was very close to blogging about this very topic myself.

At 9/06/2008 5:23 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

Both our fathers were adamant that we cut Erik's hair. And they both insist that he should be going to a BARBER, not our hairdresser. We paid no attention to them, and waited until WE were ready to cut his hair, and that included going to the hairdresser once and changing our minds when we got there. We eventually had it cut (at a hairdresser, not a barber!) about a month ago, but we only got her to take a small amount off to tidy it up a bit. It grew back really fast, so this week we got it cut for real. It looks adorable. We're glad we did it but glad we waited until WE thought it needed to be cut.

As for the barber, until Erik can protest, he's coming to *our* hairdresser when Kim, my mom and I get our hair cut every month! :) Yep, the poor boy will get his hair cut surrounded by women! So there. :) Our hairdresser also told me to tell my dad that if he went to HER, he'd still have hair! LOL.

At 9/08/2008 5:08 AM, Blogger mommy2twindaughters said...

Our family stayed on us about cutting our girls hair for the longest time, but waited until their 2nd birthday to get it cut. I say wait until YOU are ready and not worry about anyones opinion. By the way, I think his hair is cute :)

At 9/09/2008 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cutting it will make it grow in thicker

At 9/10/2008 8:37 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

we cut the back of riley's hair because it got a little long and funny looking. baby hair is crazy. and it's up to you what you want to do. ignore others. hey, look at celine dion's kid... :P

At 9/19/2008 12:08 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

miss your posts...

At 9/19/2008 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are you guys?? Miss mommies and Finn updates.


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