Monday, May 09, 2005

baby names

I had big plans to discuss sexuality issues and our ideas for approaching them, and well as where we disagree.

But I'm tired. So some other day. Trust me, they're interesting.

So here are some of MY baby names. They haven't passed committee yet.





M. refuses to name our child Jett. I think it's a rockin' name.

More news...

...and I have a job! I'll be working on a medicine floor - geri/HIV/AIDS/palliative care and even some oncology. It's an EVENING shift, so no nights for this girl. Even better for getting pregnant. That's my big secret.

I'm nervous about nursing (as in being an RN) and being pregnant. Working eight hour shifts should help, but being on my feet that long will increase the chance of preterm labor. And nursing is dangerous. Patients can get violent. You can injure just about any part of your body. I think I'll be glad when it's all over.

I'll be especially glad when I get it all over and we have a healthy little baby.