Sunday, March 19, 2006

Moving Forward

So we move on. Our next insem is only 1.5 weeks away. Moving forward is the only thing we can do. If I dwelled on all our possible failures, I think I'd end up paralyzed and overwhelmed.

And this time we're kicking it into high gear. I'm going to do whatever it takes to get good data, to prepare my body to be pregnant, to make our conditions as optimal as possible. Because maybe we were really pregnant and a) it was a mutant blastocyst or b) my body couldn't hold onto it. If that was the case, I can get pregnant again, damn it. And I will.

Time for work. The universe has decided not to double my pain and I had a good day yesterday. At my hospital, that never means today will be good, but I'm holding onto my hope in all aspects of life.

Thanks to everyone, I mean everyone...posters, lurkers...for all the kind words and thoughts. Y'all make it so much more bearable.


At 3/19/2006 6:23 AM, Blogger Calliope said...

1.5 weeks away- love it!
It ain't easy to get back on the rollercoaster, but going forward is the only way.

thinking of you gals

At 3/19/2006 10:27 PM, Blogger charlotte said...

Trudge on!!!

How is this affecting your feelings about medical interventions, tests, etc. I know this was a difficult topic over the last month or two.

At least you are trying again soon. You are troopers. Go on a date. Do some naked massage.


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