Friday, April 14, 2006

Day 14: And you thought it was all over...

We're stuck in TTC purgatory.

So I spotted yesterday morning. And my temp dropped this morning. It's over.

BUT IS IT??? (queu dramatic reality show music.)

I only had bright red spotting ONCE yesterday A.M. and none since. Only three (two yesterday, one today) instances of brown. This is significantly less than my usual spotting prior to starting my period. The bright red spotting was accompanied by crappy, awful cramps and nausea. Only light cramps since then - damn close to nothing. NOTHING.

It could be the progesterone fucking with my body, keeping my period from starting. If that's the case, WHY DID I SPOT????

And how are we doing? Well, we had a day of shopping therapy and bought some awesome stuff. Stuff salves the wounded soul. I don't feel like I'm preggers, I don't feel like I'm not. I've hit the stable, calm plane of nothingness.

M. thinks I'm probably not pregnant. I keep asking her if that's the case, could I please, PLEASE have a margarita? She keeps saying NO. Instead I had three cups of coffee at brekkie. Isn't that much coffee supposed to cause miscarriage? If so, WHY AM I NOT BLEEDING????

New Plan B: if I don't start my period over the weekend, we're going to the doc for a blood test so we can know if a) Bambi is sticking around after all or b) I need to stop the progesterone so Aunt Flo can make her appearance.

Love to all. Thanks for being part of S&M's crazy ride. He he.


At 4/15/2006 6:40 AM, Blogger Calliope said...

sheesh! Don't you just hate it when you body gets all coy & starts messing with your head?!?!

Still hoping for you guys.

At 4/15/2006 1:04 PM, Blogger charlotte said...

How friggin confusing is this????

I'm also still hoping and ready to send bakes goods, whichever way it goes.

At 4/15/2006 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fingers crossed


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