Sunday, July 23, 2006

Day 10 and Counting or You've lost that pregnant feeling...

It's still hot in Seattle. I mean broiling. Okay, broiling for us, who wilt above eighty degrees.

We've reached day 10 for the eighth time. How is the TWW going? Not too bad. I get to feel sick every morning from the progesterone, which is fun. Anyone else would probably feel pregnant but afer eight long cycles of this, I know that no matter how I feel I'm still most likely NOT PREGNANT.

M. would only be happy if I were puking my guts out.

I've decided that 50% will tell you they felt "different" on the cycle they got preggers and the other 50% will tell you that they felt "nothing". I can tell y'all this, when we finally get our BFP, I don't think I'll actually believe it.

Or I'll cry. I suggest placing bets on crying.

I'm still hopeful. I know this because in the back of my mind I'm planning how I'm going to tell people. I do this every cycle. How will we tell DtD. How will be post it on the blog. How will we tell our parents.

I also tell myself that I'm okay with the crash and burn that I know will probably happen.


At 7/23/2006 10:12 AM, Blogger Calliope said...

thinking of you gals...

At 7/23/2006 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope this is the month for you! Fingers and toes crossed.

At 7/23/2006 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7/23/2006 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

::hugs:: I'm sorry, I know how it feels to be stressed out month after month of TTC. It took me almost 18 months, and I'm married to my very own "DtD"! For what it's worth, though, the day I found out I was pregnant, I was at my ob/gyn's for my first infertility consult, and was totally convinced that the pregnancy test would be negative. I flat-out told the nurse, "Fine! Do it! It's turning negative right now, isn't it! I make myself late every month because I'm a psycho...what? it's positive??" In any case, I hope that no matter how unpregnant you feel, it will have no bearing on how fast those two little lines pop up on the test strip. Still have our fingers and toes crossed for you!

At 7/24/2006 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

xoxo hoping this is IT for you guys!!


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