Monday, July 31, 2006

Lurching into a New Phase

M. and I both had the funniest reaction to finding out that we're...ahem...pregnant. We both suddenly had NO IDEA what the hell to do next.

It's so emotionally painful to look at the next steps when you're caught in the middle of TTC. When it's Taking Some Time to Get Pregnant, you stop yourself from thinking beyond that moment that you get the call from the doc, or watch that line appear on the HPT. It's hard enough to handle the hope of each cycle, let alone think ahead to practitioners and ultrasounds and all the bajillion decisions that have to be made.

You've been on hold and suddenly your life lurches forward.

It's so good to finally move into the next phase. We can finally see how things are going to work our donor. We can finally see how our families are REALLY going to react since the little frog is reality instead of concept. We can finally allow ourselves to envision our family, the entire family, including some screaming, wrinkley pink little thing.

At the same time, being UBER PREPARED LESBIANS, we are left with a knowledge gap to fill. What will our lives look like for the next eight months? At this moment we have no idea.

In the least I know I have a limited amount of time to use profanity without little ears listening. I haven't quite convinced M. of the importance of teaching our kid to curse properly.


At 7/31/2006 5:37 PM, Blogger Estelle said...

Ah, now you start obsessing over baby paraphenalia. It's great fun. And you obsess over names. And you decide you love a name, then hate it, then move onto something you never thought you'd like. Then eventually a stuffed horse lands on your doorstep and you take it shopping for carseats (after, of course, contacting me and finding out which carseat is best for your situation)

At 7/31/2006 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel similarly lost. No OB/GYN and no earthly idea how everything is going to work or how a baby can sleep in a loft with barking dogs. Ack.

At 8/01/2006 8:52 AM, Blogger mintyfaglady said...

Being UBER PREPARED LESBIANS you'll have lots of lovely reading and research to do, of course. And then you can post about all the useful books you've found and hopefully by then I'll be scratching around for good baby book advice, what , with me being an UPL in training and all!!

Maybe you'll also find time to draw some more of your fabby cartoons. I spied some in your archives and they're really excellent.

Keep beaming, mamma!

At 8/01/2006 12:30 PM, Blogger hd said...

I know what you mean. I almost 19 weeks, and there are still days when I start to do something and then stop and think, "Wait, I'm pregnant. Should I do that? Is that in the book?" Crazy. And speaking of books, I don't have any specifics to recommend, but I hate-hate-hate Your Pregnancy Week by Week. I'm a word person, and I really despise the way the author words things. Just my 0.02. Good luck!


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