Thursday, August 31, 2006

And We Roll Over: The Grape

There's this great KITH skit called Kathie Rolls Over. It's the Cathy/Kathie series, these really funny office women. One of them notices that Kathie is about to "roll over". They cheer her on as she types frantically. Then the camera moves to the back of the womens' heads and you see that they all have counters on the back of their heads. Kathie's rolls over to zero.

We've rolled over. It's week nine. We have a grape.

I'm working hard to pay attention to my instincts. Everything tells me that the baby is okay. It's hard to hold onto that faith when it feels like the world is so cruel and random at times.

I'm holding on as tightly as I can.

M. told her sibs last night. As expected, her sister's reaction was cool. She said "wow" about a million times. Her fantastically awesome brother continues to be fantastically awesome. Although M. told her sis last year we were going to start trying in Jan, I think it took them by surprise. Like many couples, we haven't been overtly public through the TTC months, so it feels more sudden to them than to us.

It's funny how M.'s family has consistently acted like we owe them more information than a straight couple. When M. came out she was told that she should have said something earlier, given them more time. Honestly, they wanted more time to try to change her mind.

Now we're getting the same message: that we should have given them more warning. I'm sorry, but A LOT of couples don't tell their families until they are actually pregnant. Just because they need some time to mentally wrap their minds around a same-sex family does NOT mean we are obligated to tell them sooner than we want to.

So, happy grape. I'm tired, head hurts, gassy and feeling ever so slightly sick. M. would smile and say that I'm pregnant, after all.


At 8/31/2006 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray, little grape!!!

My family was weird at first too... but I got an email from mom last week saying, "I'm sorry if I ever gave you trouble. It warms our heart to see you two with the babies... you're obviously very happy, and we feel very close to **** (DP)." Duh. I told you we were happy 10 years ago. Better late than never!

I'm glad you told them on your on time. They'll just have to deal!

At 8/31/2006 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Delurking to say congrats on "rolling over." I just noticed we're due the same day, yay April 5th.

At 8/31/2006 4:15 PM, Blogger Mo said...

Yea for your grape! We are one of those couples who didn't tell family (or virtually anyone) until we were 13 weeks pregnant or so. Initially my mom was hurt, but came around real fast as the pregnancy progressed.

At 8/31/2006 6:32 PM, Blogger Estelle said...

We told her parents beforehand, but my father once she was actually pregnant. His response was "Who?" (which one of us), "Why?" (same reason you wanted a kid dad, to which he replied he never wanted a kit, he was just stuck with me and decided that he liked me), "When?" and "Please tell me you bought it and she didn't have sex with anyone"

Yeah, no need to tell beforehand. I'm with you there!

At 8/31/2006 7:17 PM, Blogger Holly said...

Congrats on your little grape.
Family can be a little dragging sometimes and mine pretty much responded the same way, but I think they'll get over every bit of worry or discomfort when they hold the adorable little baby!
Lois' mother blurted out "at your age?" when we told her before TTCing.
This is quite a roller coaster ride. And every week mark relieves a little more anxiety.
Congrats to you two!

At 8/31/2006 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the grape has made it this far!!! I have a really strange question-- what were your thoughts on using M's 'fantastic' brother as the donor? Then both of you would be genetically related... just a random thought that popped up.
Family can be so 'bubble-popping' at times.

At 9/01/2006 2:51 PM, Blogger charlotte said...

Yay, a grape.

And you owe NOTHING to her homophobic family. Send them some PFLAG literature. Seriously.

At 9/01/2006 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, no jokes about a "seedless" grape?? LOL congrats you two!! (Nice to see your blog again BTW...where's it been??)

At 9/01/2006 9:22 PM, Blogger Sacha said...

Blogger is the bane of our existance. Because we don't host on blogger it likes to go down, and has been A LOT lately.

As for using M.'s bro, I really don't think he would agree. And as much as we adore him, their relationship isn't one where we'd be comfortable with him as donor. All her sibs are quite a bit older than her because M. is a second marriage baby. It makes for a more parental relationship at times versus just sibs.


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