Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Midwife #2

We have finished our visit with midwife #2. I'll call her Jane Midwife. There were things we liked better about her. There were some negatives. We are limited to either her or Sally Midwife because they are the only two private practice CNMs who deliver where we want to have the baby.

  • Much more professional office. Nice and clean.
  • She emphasizes nutrition during pregnancy
  • A good combo of western and non-western techniques. She talked about herbs and accupunture.
  • She is a very boundary oriented, controlled person. She made it very clear not to expect her to be primary labor support and suggested that a doula would be a good idea. That was our plan anyway, but her attitude was a little off-putting.
  • When we asked her if she had any questions about US, she answered "No, not really." Huh?
  • We think she is uncomfortable working with same-sex couples. Yes, the biggie.
M. and I decided to ask Jane Midwife about working with SS couples because she announces on her website that she is a Christian. That in itself is not an issue but her announcing it to the world bothered us. So we decided to outright ask her about working with lesbians.

She blinked. Paused. Then gave us a kind of long answer that I actually can't remember ending with something like "...after all, we're all just people." At this point M. and I stared at her silently. Because the answer to our question is very simple and short...

That's not a problem for me.

So, what is more duanting? Having to deal with dogs or having your practitioner be uncomfortable with you? Yes, dear readers, if you picked door number 2, you get the prize.

M. is calling Sally Midwife tomorrow. We finally have our practitioner.


At 8/23/2006 7:04 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

Dog people are wonderful folks anyway. ;)

Glad you were able to choose and I would've gone with the same midwife. We had a family doctor who had no issues with us as a couple and did agree to do a referral to the fertility clinic. A week later, she couldn't bring herself to do it. You just don't want to get into icky situations like that.

Plus I adore dogs so I'd be excited about the dog factor. LOL

At 8/23/2006 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, good choice! I'll take dog hair over subtle bigotry, any day. Did you and Sally Midwife discuss the dogs? I have a dog who I think is the most wonderful creature in the world, but I definitely understand (and am NOT offended) when non-dog people are over and don't want her in their laps or giving them kisses. (Though I am as suspicious of these people as I am of people who don't like chocolate!) :) Perhaps Sally Midwife's dogs can hang out in another part of her house when you're there for your appts?

At 8/23/2006 8:19 AM, Blogger Tamsin said...

Ooh, definitely the only choice you could make. Feeling awkward around your midwife is NOT something you need!

I'm really not a dog person either, but if #1 is much more empathetic, then I'd put up with the dogs too. Sounds like asking for dog restrictions would be good though, to make you feel more comfortable.

At 8/23/2006 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"we're all just people"?


Glad you are choosing the other midwife.

At 8/23/2006 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How exciting to have a midwife! We attended my friend's birth (well, her daughter's birth actually) and were prewarned that the midwife on duty was not her favourite. She was worried that it wouldn't go well since they hadn't 'clicked'. But it went fabulously well and we all fell in love with the midwife and her calm attentive manner. I think that the most important thing is that you can relax around her. And if you're wondering whether she's homophobic, you won't. Go for the dogs! :-)

At 8/25/2006 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

phew! i'm glad you chose the dog lady!

At 8/25/2006 10:25 PM, Blogger charlotte said...

Totally. What everyone said. You not only want a midwife to say "yeah, I have no problem with that." You want a vibe like "wink, wink, lesbian couples are THE BOMB, my favorite type of supportive fabulous union."

Just tell your chosen midwife that you are allergic to and nauseated by pets.


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