I REALLY want your peaches....
The mythology of pregnancy includes cravings and aversions. The rush to the store in the middle of the night for the notorius pickles and ice cream. That one thing that just makes your stomach turn every time you smell it.
If only it were that simple.
I've been hit by food aversion and hit hard. Not only does the idea of cooking ANYTHING make my stomach turn, there is almost nothing I really want to eat.
Except peaches. Beautiful, sweet-tart, juicy peaches. There are some other things I can manage to choke down, like cottage cheese or boiled eggs, but my world right now is about the peach. I just thought that putting peaches on saltine crackers would taste MIGHTY FINE.
Last week it was potatoes. Except I wasn't having an adversion to everything else on the face of the planet, just craving potatoes.
For someone who has loved to cook her entire life, this is such a loss. I feel like part of me has been cut off. I can't take care of my M. like I'm used to. I can't spend hours pouring through cookbooks and thinking of all the delicious dishes I'm going to make. I have no desire to bake.
Unless, maybe, it's peach pie.
Don't worry, it'll change. Soon you'll hate peaches. LOL. I found I switched from food to food, loving something 1 minute and then hating it the next. I bet the tartness of the peach helps with the morning sickness, right? I found that apples, grapes, peaches and plums all helped.
I haven't been that bad. I can still cook but sometimes I sit down to eat what I made and I don't want it.
Well, at least it's something delicious and healthy like peaches, not like the woman I read about when I was pregnant who likedto nibble the margins off of newspapers and was asking the lovely Internet Doctor if this was OK? My big cravings included egg salad (had to have it for all meals for three days in a row), coleslaw (I have IBS and don't deal well with cruciferous vegetables!),and macaroni and cheese. I couldn't go near any meat except sushi (which my Japanese ob/gyn let me eat) until my second trimester. And I couldn't cook with garlic, which is crippling to an Italian! I never hated any of the foods afterwards, but man nothing is as good as the rush of eating something that you really, really crave. After that they were just ordinary foods again instead of Pregnancy Crack. Just gorge yourself on peaches and try and choke down some protein and you'll be fine. You'll be cooking again before you know it.
I went through that too. Nothing sounded good to me to eat. I ended up eating dry cereal for breakfast, and mandarin oranges for dinner, for quite awhile. I just couldn't eat anything else.
I have a great recipe for peach cobbler that is very easy, let me know if you want it!
I have a great recipe for peach cobbler that is very easy, let me know if you want it!
When I was pregnant with Natalie, I had major food aversions. The only things I could stomach for a while were sauerkraut and pinto beans. Pickled foods helped settle my stomach.
do they have peach salsa in your neck of the woods? Being only 2 hours away from Georgia we have TONS of peach stuff available. I have even seen peaches on a pizza.
I didn't cook from weeks 5-17. I just couldn't! Now, although at 24 weeks I still feel icky a lot, I can cook and eat things again- even veggies. And on the peach topic- I am addicted to nectarines! In fact I'm going to have one immediately.
Hang in there
s- from FF
I loved peaches too!! Fruit in general worked for me my entire pregnancy.
I ate at least 2 baked potatoes a week for the entire pregnancy. When I couldn't eat anything else, I could eat them. I threw up basically every other food substance that I consumed at one point or another, but NEVER potato. I think it is the Irish in me. Potatoes are medicinal.
I am really suffering from food aversions at the minute, which is driving me mad. It's my first pregnancy and I am starting to wonder if it's normal. I had bad nausea for 13 weeks, and it went and I was fine for a couple of weeks and now pretty much all foods make me wretch. I am not sick, just cannot eat them. Gag if I try. I can eat fruit, mostly necterines, grapes and apples, and have a thing for raw carrots. Am really not able to eat much proper 'food'. Any advice? Is this normal?
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