Friday, August 25, 2006

My, what a nice, full, slippery pulse you have....

What made my day today? Acupuncture.

Since we've become pregnant, acupuncture has become the best naptime EVER. I used to mostly fall asleep once the needles were I completely zonk out. It's great.

Today my acupuncturist actually got rid of my headache for the rest of the day! And she's been working on a scar on my shin that is almost GONE. The best part? As she's taking my pulse she says...

Wow, your pulse is full and slippery, a great pregnant pulse.

Yee haw! My pulse is pregnant. She said by the end of the session my pulse was nice and strong. I've never been so excited about my damn pulse.


At 8/26/2006 2:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds heavenly to me right now.

At 8/28/2006 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My pulse is pregnant too, wheeeeee we're twins! hehe


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