Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Happy Birthday to My Girl!

34 years ago today M. was brought into this world.

She's very special because her sign is Leo and her chinese sign is the rat. This makes her a force to be reckoned with. She's strong and determined and has this uncanny ability to see the right path. She is 100% my rock.

Happy birthday Muffletastic!


At 8/02/2006 7:24 AM, Blogger *G* said...

Yay! Happy Birthday, M!

Hope today brings you all your most favorite things :)

At 8/02/2006 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

At 8/02/2006 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday M. and congrats to you to two! I had to pop on here to read your blog despite my bleary eyed disposition right now. cannot imagine how damn happy for the two of you I am. It has been a long time coming and dh and I are thrilled beyond words for you! xoxo. Shan, Roger and baby Olivia...our DIUI miracle.

At 8/02/2006 9:11 AM, Blogger mintyfaglady said...

Happy birthday to M!
Last one without baby, huh! ;-)

At 8/02/2006 9:28 AM, Blogger Trista said...

Happy Birthday M!!!

At 8/02/2006 11:52 AM, Blogger Tamsin said...

Happy, happy birthday Megan :o)
Enjoy your extra-special day.

At 8/02/2006 3:44 PM, Blogger Briar said...

Happy Birthday!

At 8/02/2006 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday M!

At 8/02/2006 5:36 PM, Blogger Steph said...

I hadn't checked in in a few days and wanted to see how my girls were doing and lo and behold, you're PG! HUGE congrats to you both. I'm so incredibly happy for you (even though you haven't a clue who I am...LOL). Happy Birthday to M. too. Lots to celebrate.

At 8/02/2006 8:42 PM, Blogger Calliope said...

Happy Birthday!
What a kick ass birthday prezzie you got!
Hope you are having a wonderful night.

At 8/02/2006 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday M! I guess you've already gotten the best present!

At 8/03/2006 9:30 AM, Blogger Sophia said...

Belated Birthday wishes from the top of the Empire State Building to the top of the Space Needle!

*in a corny mood today*

At 8/03/2006 2:14 PM, Blogger charlotte said...

happy happy birthday :)
what a great birthday this must have been.


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