Sunday, September 03, 2006

Curiouser and Curiouser

M. has declared she would like to foster a curious child. Because she, herself, is a curious type. I have warned her that this could backfire.

My brother was what you might call a curious child. He wondered about everything. How did this manifest? It manifested in the form of someone who asks questions constantly. And did we have the answers? Not really.

It wasn't just us he tortured with his curiosity. He drove his teachers batty with all his questions.

Step in creative intervention.

One of his teachers bought him a book. A really big book. It was called The Big Book of Questions. Then every time he had one of those god-awful questions, instead of my parents and his teachers wracking their brains and stopping what they were doing to answer him, they just said....

Look it up in the book.

And that is the sad consequence of a curious child. YOU will be the one they think will know everything.


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