Thursday, November 16, 2006

Babies on TV

When we were consumed by TTC it seemed like there were TTC/pregnancy stories everywhere we turned. There was even a freakin' TELEVISION SHOW centered around an infertility clinic (and a really BAD show at that). TV is such a great escape and we could NEVER escape our constant failure to make baby.

Fast forward.

Now it seems there are babies everywhere. Not happy, giggling babies...babies in distress. Babies being killed. Dead babies on ultrasounds. Every concievable poor outcome of pregnancy seems to be portrayed on television. Seems Gray's Anatomy alone has a weekly Baby in Distress storyline. It's to be more acceptable to portray dead babies than it is to show people kicking puppies.


It's not fair to the preggos out there as we sit glued to our beloved couches, our hormones gone wild, tears in our eyes as we watch the parade of dead babies. Good lord, I'd rather watch Leonardo DiCaprio go apeshit crazy in The Departed (amazing movie, BTW, but not for the faint of heart) than have to watch stories about dead babies over and over again.

Dead babies aren't much fun, no, no, no...


At 11/16/2006 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hadn't thought about it, but you're absolutely right! ( has the "Diary of V" doing a dead baby story as of just the other day). I cringe every time I think of how I used to tell the "dead baby jokes" when I was in elementary school (I think that's when they were really popular). And I wondered why my mother couldn't stand them! Aack! Just keep Kleenex on you at all times. I found mommy blogs while I was pregnant and I just bawled every day.

If you run out of Kleenex, brownies aren't bad, either ;)

At 11/19/2006 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about any of that cuz i don't watch TV. But i've seen an awful lot of it in real life (and not just cuz i'm in's happening to my FRIENDS!) Maybe they're just trying to present some catharsis for those parents...

I'd say "step away from the TV" and rent some nice positive baby-vibe movies (or movies about something else entirely)


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