Sunday, November 19, 2006

Toy Story

M. and I have long been determined that we will NOT be trapped into the toy game. We don't have a huge house or a lot of room for stuff. I mean, give the Unnamed One a toilet paper tube and a cardboard box, and let the baby go to town. They don't need all those toys. After all, it works for the cats.

It's an easy decision given all the plastic-ey little dolls and war toys. You can turn you back, and there's nothing to resist because there's no temptation.

Until the catalogs arrive.

You know the ones. The one's that let you know that Mothering Magazine has sold you out. They are filled with the quaint, wooden, high quality toys. They speak to the imagination. They don't market Disney or any other kids' television show.

They are the toys of dreams.

You leaf through the catalog, two or three times, wishing you could be nine years old again, and know that when YOU were a kid, you would have killed...I mean seriously possibly maimed another human being...just to have THOSE toys.

Then you look at the price. Instead of turning your dreams back to that cardboard box and toilet paper tube, you start to mentally calculate what you would have to do to get those toys. You start to imagine the look of joy on that little face. You wonder if maybe working a little overtime might let you get those beautiful toys. You start to think that THIS is what will make you a truly good parent.

All of the sudden you've become what you never wanted to be. You've become all about stuff and the baby hasn't even arrived. And it's scarey. Because this is just the beginning of all the pressure and expectations that will sit on your shoulders as a parent. You start to see that you will never be able to do enough, provide enough or be enough. There will always be something out there you can't give them.

And that's when you go back to the cardboard box and toilet paper tube. The only thing you can give that no one else can give is love and safety and support. That's better than the best toy on earth.


At 11/19/2006 3:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Are you guys seriously gonna torture us and not tell us the sex? Or was the Unamed One being shy?

At 11/19/2006 4:08 PM, Blogger EJW said...

I'm also on the anti-plastic-crap crusade and we get those catalogs. My solution? Garage sales and Craig's List.

The best part about those quality wooden toys is that they hold up so well, so if you find them second-hand, they just need a quick Clorox wipedown and they're good as new.

At 11/19/2006 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all about playing with the junk mail, baby!! Also, Costco has some really cute puppets that have been a hit here and they were very inexpensive.

My toy "secret" is that I take Seph to the gym all the time where they have an excellent daycare room which is HUGE and loaded with toys and such. For all she knows, they're hers, she gets to play with them every day! $10 a month, and I get to work out, take a long hot shower, and she gets to play with tons of toys. Not bad, eh?

But, you know, the people who make the toys have children to feed, too ;)

At 11/20/2006 7:54 AM, Blogger Trista said...

Oooh, I came face to face with this this weekend... We were at TJ Maxx and there was this ADORABLE wooden stove. OH MY GOD it was SO CUTE!!! and it was $100.

So. I did the only thing I could do. I took a picture of it, and I took it to my dad. I told him that he would be Julia's favorite grandfather (he's her only grandfather, but no matter) if only he could make Julia an adorable play kitchen set out of wood for a major gift-giving occasion sometime in the future.

He was intrigued. He is challenged. He says that BY GOD, Julia will have a wooden play kitchen for Christmas 2007.

My work was done.

I think the best way to work through the stuff issue is to 1) get other people to buy/make said stuff and 2)have your kids make friends who have said stuff so that you don't have to have it in your house...

it really does take a village to get a kid all the necessary accessories to the My Little Pony Playset and Dream Stables, you should start building your village now...

At 11/20/2006 8:39 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

The only reasons we buy all the toys is because we love the toys ourselves. I have always adored certain toys and have no qualms with buying them. I was spoiled as a kid, I have to admit, but I used my imagination all the time. Loved playing with dolls or doing crafts. I would've been happy with any old toy but sometimes there are the toys you just really, really want. Like the Cabbage Patch Kid. I had to have it and I cherished it when I got it. You'll be able *buy* special things for your kid along the way but you don't need to buy them *everything* you said, there is fun to be had with simple things. Toilet paper rolls were great for crafts! :)

At 11/20/2006 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck on finding out what you are having. We are having our ultrasound today Monday as well to find out the sex and of course to just check on the status of the baby. It will be interseting to see what we come up with as you guys and us have been right behind one another through this whole process. WE started the same time and got pregnant the same time and it look as though we are having things done at the same time. Good luck today. I personally see the appeal to having a boy or a girl they both are great.

At 11/20/2006 10:50 AM, Blogger Momai said...

*sigh* I know just what you mean. That's why I look at the catalogs and then give them to my mom. ;)

Have you seen the "Land of Nod" catalogs? great toys and wall art!

At 11/21/2006 11:36 AM, Blogger Shelli said...

we were a totally a "toy free" zone. And then we had a baby.



All reasoning goes out the window once the little buggers are here! :)

At 11/21/2006 11:36 AM, Blogger Shelli said...

we were a totally a "toy free" zone. And then we had a baby.



All reasoning goes out the window once the little buggers are here! :)


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