Friday, April 27, 2007

Getting Things Done

It is absolutely impossible to get things done with a baby. We start out every day with the best of intentions and they usually get flushed down the drain by 3 pm. This is why I am thrilled to report that I got the following done yesterday:
  • Wipe the counters
  • Help with the dishes
  • Diaper wash
  • Vacuum the living room
  • Pay bills
  • Cleaned up papers off the desk
Some people accomplish greatness. Some people accomplish world peace, brilliant discoveries, great works of literature. If I can get the house vacuumed, I feel just as much of a rock star at they are.

Goals for today: baby bath and we're contimplating attempting a movie. We'll see if we can get anything done before 3 pm.


At 4/27/2007 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've already posted on your blog! Huzzah!

At 4/27/2007 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

isn't seeing vacuum tracks the BEST for feeling like you did something?

What movie are you guys watching?

At 4/28/2007 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally understand. Edie was fussy the other day and I asked Rose to hold her so I could unload the dishwasher and it was so great to unload the dishwasher without a baby in a sling!!!


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