Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Four Hours

Back to Work, originally uploaded by Sacha Digi.

I successfully completed four hours of work yesterday, including two discharges, one admit, getting my password reset, a low blood sugar and so on...

I'm back. Rock and roll!

It's been almost six months since I have worked as an RN. The floor I work on is very fast paced and 3 pm to 7 pm are the witching hours, so although it was only four hours, I wouldn't call it easing back in. But I haven't lost my mad nursing skillz.

Things I learned:

  • It's very hard to get ready for work when you're taking care of a baby.
  • Being at work wasn't hard. Missing five hours of time with my boy was hard. It was the longest I've been away from him.
  • It's VERY HARD to eat and drink what I should while I'm working. I was starving the entire time but couldn't even grab a snack.
  • Coming home was nice. Finn was very happy to see me. Finn being happy at 8 pm when he should be going to bed is a little frustrating.
  • Having M. at home makes it so much better.
  • It was only four hours but I was TIRED when I got home. I'd forgotten how deeply weary I get from working. I suspect I will probably crawl into bed with Finn and side lie nurse us both to sleep when I go back to my twelves.

Overall, it wasn't too bad.

Oh, and I got multiple compliments on my breast pump and how quiet it is. I have nothing but good things to say about the Avent Isis Duo if anyone is considering purchasing it! Pumping was a bit nervewracking but I'm assuming it will get better.


At 7/25/2007 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not real sure how you feel about tv for your baby but the one thing I found very intersting is the Baby Einstein DVD's they are wonderful. They allow me 30 minutes at leasts in the morning to get ready which includes, showering and getting dressed and she is happy the whole time. I have about 4 DVD's so far and she just loves them. I mean the screaming and noise making she does over these are great. I really don't condone children watching tv but this is very educational and there is no cartoon or anything like that to it. Just classical music and toys and colors. Very intriguing to babies. My little Sofia loves it. Just thought I would share that with you. It has really made my mornings go so much nicer.

At 7/25/2007 2:16 PM, Blogger ajs4ever said...

Way to go supermomma!! I'm sure it is hard leaving your little guy, but such a joy to come home to!!

At 7/25/2007 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on going back to work! You seem to be taking it in stride. You mentioned a while back that you were getting Finn baptized, did you do that and I missed it? Any photos? I'm getting DS baptised in September and I'm scouring the internet for stories from "cool families" and thought of you. =D
Please share!

Thanks, Rachel

Oh, and how did you decide on the Aventa pump? I have the Medela and honestly thought eeeevery working, lactating mom had it.

At 7/25/2007 7:00 PM, Blogger party b said...

Yeah, the Avent Isis Duo rocks. Well as much as any other pump at least.... LOL. I found it got easier to pump but sometimes harder to squeeze it in while I was at work.

My best tip, for what it's worth, and especially if you are having issues with getting nutrition while at work - bring a powerbar or something similar and a BIG water bottle. Drink as much, up to half, before you start and eat the bar too. I would sip water while I pumped and nibble on a protein rich snack. I'm sure I got more and the nutrition wasn't a bad idea either.

Go you!!!

At 7/25/2007 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first day back to work! Sorry it came sooner than expected, but it sounds like it will allow you to ease into things a bit.

At 7/25/2007 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey congrats on the first day back at work! 6 months? Way to go! I'm sure they were missin' your mad nursing skillz :)

At 7/26/2007 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mostly lurk, but I wanted to pipe up and say congratulations! I also wanted to say congrats to M for flying solo. As a non-bio-mom who was home with our daughter when she was Finn's age (we're academics, so we arranged leaves to split her care for the first year), that time together was crucial. It really helped me to come into my own as one of her moms. Good luck to all three of you! My wife also says that the pumping does get easier...but I can say from experience it will always be annoying to wash the pump parts...

At 7/26/2007 5:07 PM, Blogger Sacha said...

Rachel M. did some research on pumps and decided on the Avent. I think the reason she liked it is because it allows you to determine the speed of pumping. It's a very, very nice feature. Every time I pump I start with fast suction to get let down then change to about three to four second long sucks, and I set all that myself.

And, as I said, it's quiet. And somewhat attractive.

I know everyone has the Medela. Medela has the corner on the market, but honestly I don't think they make the best machine. It seems that Avent has put a lot of thought into the details of the Isis Duo. And their hand pump is considered to be the best out there. I hope anyone reading this will consider the Avent. It really is a good product.

Cathy I was just given the powerbar idea from our support group leader who is an RN herself. I hate powerbar-type foods but if that's what I have to do, so be it. Blech.

Maria Any TV for Finn isn't an option for us. The good thing is that I don't typically work at 3 pm so M. will be with Finn while I get ready. It was just a one time deal!

dlvc We're actually both flying solo for the first time. We were so lucky to be home together for 3.5 months but now we have to learn to be mommas independently. It's hard, but I'm so glad to do this with an almost four month old and not with a two week old as originally planned. I'm just so glad to have M. home with Finn while I work instead of daycare. And I'm really REALLY happy that we have managed to achieve a great deal of equality in being Finn's moms.

I go on. Have to go clean more before the boy wakes.


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