Tuesday, July 17, 2007


This is a Ziggles by Manhattan Toys (Finn is a big fan of the Winkel ..loves it... and the Skwish). I ordered it on a whim last week when I was buying every single freezable teething toy I could find.


It has rings on each side. I put them on Finn's feet because he's just figuring out that he has them. He totally goes to town.

Here's Finn using his Ziggles. So cute. I'm so bad because I totally love to play and M. is right that we need to have quiet time too.

Then today during my only 30 minute break from Boy Duty, what did I do? Well, what any insane person would do during their only tiny bit of free time during the day. I drilled holes in the handles of wooden spoons.

I'm so butch. I used a drill. He he.

I made ribbon toys for Finn. We went and bought some really pretty ribbon then I drilled the holes in the handles of the spoons and threaded the ribbon through.

The cats like them too.


At 7/18/2007 4:58 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

Baby toys always look so insane.

Good idea making your own.

Isn't it funny how free time is often spent doing things for the baby anyway? :P

Thanks for the card in the mail. :) It's on our fridge! So cute!

At 7/18/2007 5:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the spoons!! You can also make a 'treasure basket' which is realy good from birth to about 1/18 months. You just get a nice whicker basket and fill with as many lovely objects as you can. The only rule is no plastic!!! You can put wooden spoons and other untensils, shells (not sharp or too small), pieces of fabric, balls,. metal objects are good as they often feel smoother and colder - whisks, pots, pieces of paper, foil, cellophane. Lemons, limes and other fruit are good to touch and feel.
You obviously need to think about health and safety and not put in small objects that can choke or items that can break off. Cork is a no no as it can break off in the mouth. The idea is to let them explore the box by themselves and just sit back and observe - no interactions except for rescuing from potential dangers! You just let them do what they want. If they can't sit yet they can still be propped up or popped in bumbo etc... You can try it out with their friends too and let them explore together - although they soon learn good uses for wooden spoons!!
My daughter loved hers and it's good fun to put together and add to!!

At 7/18/2007 5:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. just found link about treasure baskets which has better list and a photo!!


At 7/18/2007 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog! I just added you to my blogroll at qlipp.com



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