Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Sometimes things just sneak up on you. You know, little things, like going back to work. My return date is August 8th, and I have everything arranged to go back for an eight hour shift then have some time off and start my regular schedule.

I'm going back to work today!


Seems I need 40 minutes to keep my benies. It's a long and not very interesting story about the inept system I function within. You can't work 40 minutes as an RN so I'm picking up four hours later today.

Holy shit batman!

I'm kind of okay with this. I've been going over work in my head for the last couple days so it will be good to actually go do my job. A four hour shift is a perfect little taste to get me back into it. I won't have to go back again for two weeks.

And I'm ready. I didn't know if I would be by the end of my mat leave, but I am.



At 7/24/2007 1:37 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

Good luck! At least you get to transition back into it. Glad you're ready.


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