Monday, July 09, 2007

How to Break Mommies Hearts

It's pretty easy. You just scream until you're red in the face, little mouth turned down, and every time we finally get you soothed, you wake up and scream again. Because you hurt.

We tried all our interventions: cold teething ring, Hyland teething tablets, a frozen wash cloth. Finally...TYLENOL. Then Finn finally was able to sleep.

As I was putting the wash cloth in his mouth and thought if I pushed it down on his bottom gums a little it would feel better and encourage him to bite down on it. He screamed. His face got even redder and he screamed over and over as he stared at me. I cried. Then Finn noticed I was crying and he got this concerned look on his face. I made him worried.

For the first time I realized that I can't just loose it in front of my child.

Teething bites.


At 7/09/2007 8:44 PM, Blogger Angele said...

NO it's good to show emotions in front of your baby. Just make sure you explain to them why. This is something I learnt in psychology. Crying is a good emotion to teach children. Not enough parents do it.

At 7/09/2007 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a therapist, I second what angele said. You were mirroring his sadness and despair in the moment...and letting him see that his anguish upsets you too.

At 7/10/2007 6:29 AM, Blogger Angele said...

Hell yeah, teething SUCKS. I'm dealing with a fussy baby right now. Tylonel rules when nothing else works. It's a last resort but I've used it on several occassions. :/ I just wonder when a tooth will finally appear! I want results from all of this crabby time!

At 7/10/2007 6:40 AM, Blogger Stacey said...

oops that last comment was me, not angele

At 7/10/2007 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son has decided that he doesn't want to hold a teething ring to his mouth. His hand is what he prefers but my hand is even better. And for someone who doesn't actually have teeth - man does it hurt when he bears down. I can feel two sharp spots - one on top and one on bottom.
On a side note I must share that me and my crazy as husband are expecting again and our son won't even be 3 months until 7/22/07. I'm so glad that he is such a good little boy.

At 7/10/2007 9:12 AM, Blogger Shannon said...

We're going through teething again now too. Erik's got two teeth but is now working others. We can't wait for them to come because, like Stacey said, we've had a long period of fussiness. We've also used Tylenol a few times in the last couple of weeks. It's so hard to watch them in pain - sometimes I think this must be why we don't remember being babies.

At 7/11/2007 11:50 AM, Blogger Shelli said...

drugs, darling, it's ALL about drugs during teething.

Give him a nice little dose of tylenol just before bedtime, and it will knock out the pain enough so he can sleep, poor boo.

PS - we fight in front of Malka often enough, and simply tell her, when we are done, that we love each other, and we love her, but sometimes mommies argue, and it's OK.


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