Table Foods
We had every intention of waiting until exactly six months to start feeding Finn table foods. Good intentions pave the road to hell, which is where we're going if breaking down and feeding your child early is a criteria.
The only solice I take is that we're not giving him a lot of food and not every day.
M. and I have decided to follow Baby Led Weaning. Basically you start with soft finger foods and skip purees. This way Finn self-feeds and we're not sitting in front of him spooning various colors of goo into his mouth. I love it because it lets him make the choice to eat, how much to eat and what to eat. I have no desire to put my food issues onto my son.
So I gave him a quarter nectarine with the skin on. Scary! It worked. He chomped away, made a beautiful mess and LOVED it.
The other foods we've had him taste so far: banana (did not like it), apple and applesauce (liked it), pear (liked it) and a taste of vanilla ice cream (liked it...duh).
I've started a Flickr set to document our exploits.
well, we don't know how it'll be until we come to that point. we can say we want things a certain way but sometimes you go with the flow. but he's not exactly far from the 6 month mark and so that's pretty cool. we started a week early. :) glad he's enjoying things. things are getting better for us here with riley's eating. she'll eat a lot some days.
oops that post was from stacey not angele. and the one on your other post today was me as well. hehehe
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