Thursday, February 28, 2008

White Dots on Red Throat

It's strep.

Last night my amazing nurse brain decided that if my throat has hurt so badly that I can't eat for several days I should actually look at it. I got the mag light, opened my mouth and proceeded to illuminate my oral cavity and there it was...

Red, red, red and white dots.

I pretended it was something different. I made M. look up other lovely reasons you'd have white dots on your uvula. But I knew in my nurse gut that I didn't have some nasty virus and it would be another round of antibiotics for me.

Not happy. Want to feel better.

I swear that strep throat is a great diet because I can't eat a damn thing without significant pain. Mmmmm...cheese...ouch. Mmmmmm...salami...ouch. Mmmmmm...sushi...ouch. Mmmmmm...strawberry yogurt...ouch. And so on. And what I do eat I have to chew, chew, chew, chew, chew then painfully swallow, so I'm not eating a lot of anything. I'm trying chicken soup and garlic naan tonight.


At 2/28/2008 7:41 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

Sorry about the strep. That sucks. :( Can you get a freezing spray for your throat? I used to get horrible sore throats and those sprays at least provided temporary relief.

At 2/28/2008 7:49 PM, Blogger Sacha said...

I could turn a air can upside down and spray it down my throat. He he. Not a very good idea.


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