Monday, July 25, 2005

It's Official!

Ok, Sacha hasn't yet shared the news that I know you're dying to hear, so I have to jump in here. The NCLEX RN exam on Wednesday was BRUTAL and she wasn't sure exactly how she did afterwards, but.....she passed with flying colors and is now a Registered Nurse!!! Yay! Many years of work finally paid off. I'm so proud of her! She'll start her first RN position in mid-August. She's so excited.

So, that means we're still on track to finally start TTC in November. Good news indeed.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Life on hold...

I've been absorbed in studying so haven't had time to either draw or update. The good news is that my test is OVER and I should find out if I'm a registered nurse tomorrow or Monday.

Go me!

More next week, as well as a new cartoon.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Inlaws and Outlaws

M. and I went to see a lovely little documentary called Inlaws and Outlaws. It's about long-term couples, mostly same-sex. The thing I liked the most about it was the couples talked about their relationships on a very intimate level. You rarely see people revealing that much on the screen.

Highly recommended.

Monday, July 04, 2005

2 Girls 2005.7.4

Happy 4th of July. My t-shirt says "Crack is Whack" in homage to Whitney Houston.

I also have some news. I'm going to move 2 Girls to Keenspace so more people can enjoy it and I don't have to use my own server room to publish. I'll keep updating here as well.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Happy 4th of July

What does our country stand for? Or, what should it stand for? Equality. Freedom. As long as same sex couples are denied the right to marry, it stands for nothing.

How can the people of this country stand by as our president announces through his support of the marriage amendment that it is acceptable and desireable to allow discrimination against gay and lesbian people. We contribute and participate in society just like any other group. We pay taxes. We raise families. Yet there isn't an outcry when our leader actively encourages discrimination?

There will be a lot of flag waving tomorrow and talk about freedom. There will be main street parades and fireworks. Families will gather and spend time together, eat good food and celebrate our nation's birthday. It will be meaningless because gay and lesbian people continue to face pervasive discrimination.

The day that I don't say "wife" without a knot in my stomach, the day that M. doesn't change her language because she's afraid to be identified as a lesbian, that will be the day that we can truly celebrate this nation and label it as great.

Until then the fourth of July is nothing more than an excuse to have a day off and a national joke. This is only ONE reason the United States of America is no longer a respected and great nation.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Time for some politics

Sandra Day O'Connor is retiring and Bush will have an opportunity to fill a supreme court seat after all.

We need a moderate to replace O'Connor. With the makeup of congress at the moment there's a good chance both the house and senate would pass a Bush nominee with no questions.

Whoever Bush appoints and congress approves WILL BE DECIDING WHETHER OR NOT OUR LEGAL MARRIAGE WILL BE RECOGNIZED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, as well as whether or not same-sex couples can have the same rights as heterosexuals; to marry the person they love, take care of each other and have intact, legally connected families for their children.

This is the moment the social conservatives who want to destory women's rights, glbt rights, civil rights, and more, have been salivating for. Bush WILL put forward someone to placate them. After all, he's a good ol' white boy and the laws of this land will most likely never directly affect him or his family. He has nothing to lose. The people of this country have everything to lose.

If you are reading this, I urge you to take a few minutes and write your senator or rep in the house. You can find your peeps here:

U.S. House
U.S. Senate

The following groups offer petitions or ways to contact the president or your reps (all links will go to a petition or way to contact your reps):

  • Human Rights Campaign
  • Move On PAC
  • Democracy for America - Patrick Leahy Urging congress not to rubber stamp Bush's nomination.
  • People for the American Way, write to President Bush and urge him to choose a concensus nominee

  • More reading about the right wing's attack on the courts:

    The Right and the Courts