Flat Ass Baby
Picture of the Space Needle in case anyone doubts we live in Seattle :)
I have a horridly flat ass. And for being a fat girl, it's quite boney. I've always thought that I should at least get the advantage of padding, but no. The minute I sit down my butt bones poke right through. I can't sit still for very long.
Well, DtD has a boney ass as well. Boney from his own report. I was relieved to find out that I'm not the only person on earth that suffers from boney ass. And it's baggy as well. How do I know this? I admit it, I checked out his ass one time when he headed to the bathroom.
M. and I have accepted that our baby will have a boney, baggy flat ass. I hope he/she will understand that we had to make choices and their ass was sacrificed in the process.
p.s. new pics are up on Flickr. All the new ones are at the front of the set.
Well, at least when the child grows up, he or she can eat twinkies and know that the twinkies won't go straight to their ass.
a benie! Thank you so much for putting the cream filling in my dark cloud of flat ass despair. :)
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