Friday, January 27, 2006

Implantation Woes

I was going to write all about the historic passage of Washington States non-discrimination bill that happened today. M. and I were witness to two hours of arguments including stellar moments such as:
  • A senator telling the world how he wouldn't allow his lesbian daughter and her partner in his house.
  • Another stating that queers have nice cars. Ahem, where's MY nice car?
  • The assertion that because one's lesbian sister-in-law has a nice condo in Seattle non-discrimination laws for queers aren't really needed.
But enough about that. Because surprisingly enough, it's not my biggest news today.

Just before dinner I went to the bathroom and when I wiped (TMI) I noticed that my urine was slightly pink. Minutes later I felt the twinge of cramps. There it was. My period. Just as I expected. By the time dinner was over I was getting significant spotting and significant cramping. The dream was dead.

BUT WAS IT???????

If it's my period, it's TOO EARLY. And the cramps are gone. And the spotting has stopped. If i spot as much as I was tonight my period usually starts full force. I also never, ever, EVER have cramps that bad the day I start my period. I am very regular and it's always the second day of my period. And my cramps NEVER just go away. I'm usually doubled over in pain, pacing, barfing and considering going to the emergency room for a shot of demerol.

We're going to move the test date to Sunday.

No laughing allowed.


At 1/27/2006 10:56 PM, Blogger charlotte said...

I appologize for laughing A LOT.
Not surprising that you are going to pee on a stick soon. No way you were gonna make it to Tuesday. Shah right.

Yay! I'm glad you moved the test date up!!
I had SIGNIFICANT cramping (not usual for me) when my baby implated.
Oh, tomorrow is gonna be a tough day.

I hope the little blasty snugged up tight.

btw, I started an actual blog today!

At 1/28/2006 12:49 AM, Blogger charlotte said...

don't check my blog yet, it is crap as I am still trying to figure it out!

At 1/28/2006 6:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(chanting) be implantation! be implantation!

At 1/28/2006 6:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, I forgot to post that I also have *horrible* cramps during my period. Just as you described (barfing, wanting to drug myself, etc) and I wanted to say - one of the things I'm looking forward to MOST about motherhood? No periods for almost TWO YEARS. That's right - my friends who nursed their babies exclusively (or pumped) didn't get their periods until baby was about one year. Have you realized this? Oh my god, it was a happy day when I realized it and now I daydream. Hoping for only 4 MORE PERIODS here before a looooooong break

At 1/28/2006 7:04 AM, Blogger Jen said...

Don't panic if you get a negative on Sunday. If you implanted yesterday, depending on how your body produces hCG it may take more than 48 hours to have enough to register on an HPT. And I can't recommend Answer Early highly enough. They were consistently the most sensitive tests for us.

If you want to entertain yourself for the next couple of days, go check out

Good luck!

At 1/28/2006 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am crossing my fingers and holding my breath for you! Sounds very promising and your FF chart's looking good. I agree with Jen, though, that until around 48 hours post implantation, you could get a false negative. So maaaaybe you want to wait until Monday. If you can. Good luck!!!!!!

At 1/28/2006 4:33 PM, Blogger b. said...

Fingers crossed for you! Ooooo, how cool would it be to work on the first try?


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